Chapter 2: Enter the danger

Start from the beginning

Serene stiffed and looked at the path to her right, for some reason besides the obvious noise she heard, she felt like she was being watched...from far away, Serene looked up at the trees, there was no one but when she looked back down and to her left three guys came out of the shadows, Serene took a step back as they came closer to her

"well well, what have we here?" the skinny one said

Serene glared at them, not saying a word

"Aw you lost cutie?" the bigger one Sid taunted the middle sized one Tsoi, laughed and crossed his arms. These guys had to be in a gang or something

Serene felt her cat ears turn downward into her head, it wasn't out of fear, she let out a soft growl, one that a house cat would make, when mad.  

when she felt something touch her "Don't touch me!" she hissed as her paw smacked one guys hand away from her hair, the middle skinny one Fong rubbed his hand from the scratch and smirked at her as Serene crossed her arms "run along home before you get hurt more" she warned, which only made him lick his lips in a sick way

Sid had bared his teeth annoyed 

"oh is that right? you got some spunk talking to us like that" he said as he grabbed a hold of her wrist pulling her to his chest, Serene did not want to touch this idiot but he was too close so she moved her arm against his chest only to get forced more close, she groaned, also getting a whiff of the reeking cologne and alcohol mixed in this guys clothes. She wanted to gag as she covered her nose, the scent being stronger than she thought

"lets teach her some respect" Fong said pulling out a knife, grabbing her arm, Serene struggled against his bony hand and managed to punch him in his chin, breaking free for only a moment before getting grabbed this time, by both wrists and by Sid, his grip on her wrists began to hurt and she whimpered softly making Fong grin and licked his lips

"mm this girl is a cute one" Serene glared at him as he took her chin in his hand turning her head a bit to each side, Fong glanced at the two guys as Tsoi spoke up

"Yo, shes a freak tho!!" he said

"So what?" Sid said

"yeah, you thinkin what i'm thinkin guys?" they two of them nodded 

"oh yea, lets teach this bitch not to talk back to us" Fong said

serene glanced at each of them before struggling even more, "Let me go, you creeps!" having a faint idea of what he meant, but before they could start however, Fong got knocked out by a big fist, he groaned on the grass and a deep voice sounded off soon after from the shadows of the trees near them

"If you desire to keep breathing, release her now" the two guys and Serene looked ahead of them seeing a tall silhouette in the shadows, 

Sid shoved Serene to the side and stepped toward the shadows 

"Oh yeah? who tellin?" he yelled soon the stranger grabbed Sid's face and dragged him into the Shadows roaring, Tsoi look terrified and ran to help Sid. Now alone, Serene rubbed her wrists a little before hearing pleas of mercy and blows landing, when the stranger picked up a picture off the grass he knocked out the last of the gang members and once it became silent

Serene wanted to smack herself 'way to be a damsel, you weakling!' she thought harshly of herself, she hated the fact that she had to be rescued especially when she had weapons on her now. She snapped back to reality, when she heard footsteps approaching her she prepared herself for a fight but stopped when the stranger revealed himself, it was a mutant tiger he crossed his arms and her face was a bit shocked.... 

TMNT 2012 - Lover's In Shadow (Tiger Claw Fanfic)(FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now