All good thing must end

Start from the beginning

He laughed as Austin started moving faster and Stacey tried to control her reaction to him but failing when she cried out yet again from another orgasm. Austin slowly pulled his fingers out of her, showing it to the others who just laughed.

"F**k! You guys should try it; this bitch is loose as f**k."

Austin turned to Stacey, who looked like she wanted to die from embarrassment.

"How many guys have you had up in there, must be a f**k load if your pussy almost swallowed my hand."

That gained a few more laughers from his crew and brought tears to Stacey's eyes. Her eyes left Austin's, and she looked at him for help, but he wasn't helping her; instead he smirked at her.

"Do you wanna leave, Stacey, cause I'll let you leave right now if you want to, all you have to do it get up and walk away."

Stacey, as well as myself, knew that the moment she got up and leave, she'd be committing social suicide. Not wanting to lose her popularity status on campus, Stacey shook her head, deciding to stay. I waited for him to state the consequences of her decision, and I wasn't disappointed when he told her, but I was disgusted.

"Are you sure, Stacey because staying means that you're agreeing to be f**ked by each and every one of us tonight?"

She nodded her head, and I felt like slapping her, I couldn't believe that she wanted to be popular that bad.

He wiped the tears from her eyes and softly pecked her on the lips, then pulled away to smirk at her again.

"Just look at it this way, you will have your wish granted, but instead of being f**ked by one of us, you'll be f**ked by all of us."

Before she could open her mouth to say anything he passed her over to Austin who guided her to her feet, seven other guys stood, all looking at her with lust and glee. They got up and walked off with Stacey between them, Austin turned back when he saw that he was not following them.

"You coming, man?"

He shook his head, "Not in the mood, you guys have fun, but don't traumatise her too much."

Austin laughed then headed after the guys that were already gone. He ran his hand through his long dark blonde hair then pushed to his feet. His eyes took in the room then they landed on a girl that was dancing by herself whiles downing a bottle of beer.

On his way over to her, he grabbed a beer and took a long swig. Without asking for permission, he placed his hand on her waist, leant in until his lips were at her ear and said not so quietly, "I'm going to do you the honour of f**king you tonight."

I expected her to slap him, which she looked like she was about to do, but then she saw who he was and a flirtatious smile lip up her face.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

Downing the last of his beer, he grabbed her hand and started pulling her up the stairs. I knew that I had to put a stop to them, but I wasn't too sure how to go about doing it, so I followed them instead. They struggled to find a room because all the lights were off upstairs. She started giggling as they kissed, bumping into everything, I'd had enough, so I decided to stop them, using the darkness to my advantage.

They stopped trying to find his room and decided to feel each other up against the wall. I watched them from a distance, and it took everything in me not to drag the bitch by her hair away from him. Instead, I quietly walked past them and located his room. I picked the lock in no time and slipped in, but instead of closing the door, I left it slightly ajar.

I quickly got to work, I undressed, stripping all of my clothes off and slipped under the bed cover. I wasn't sure if my plan was going to work, but I just knew that I had to try.

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