Don't you remember me?

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Claudia's POV

'' Good morning sunshine!'' I heard a familiar voice. It was Jhos. My best friend.
'' Good morning.'' I replied, and smiled.
'' What we are doing today?'' He asked me.
'' Jhos, I just woke up and I do not know yet .'' I said, and got out of bed.
'' Well, I was thinking that maybe you can come along with me today?'' He said, going to the kitchen.
'' Where are you going?'' I asked curiously.
'' Well, we're going to visit my friends for several days, so pack your stuff together, because we're leaving in an hour. '' He said, and went to change his clothes.
'' You did not answer my question. Where are we going?'' I yelled after him.
'' We're going to town called Mystic Falls.'' he shouted to me.
'' You do not have to shout. I can hear you very well.'' I yelled again.
'' Ah, I forgot that my girlfriend is a original vampire. '' He said to me, coming from the next room.
'' How many times have I told you that I'm not your girlfriend. '' I said to him when he hugged me and whispered in my ear that we have less than an hour.
I smiled and went to another room to change clothes. Half an hour later I had packed my bags an I had chanced my clothes. I had put on my belly button shirt, torn jeans, sneakers, and a black leather jacket.
'' Ready? '' Jhos asked and I nodded.
We got to the car and started to move towards Mystic Falls. I knew that my so-called family is in New Orleans so I didn't have to worry about that I pump in to them.

After three hour car ride we made it. We where safely in Mystic Falls.
We parked infront of a huge buiding.

I stayed in the car waiting. I heard how Jhos knocking on the door and the door opens.
'' Jhos! What are you doing here?'' I heard a man's voice, and looked toward them. Jhos stood in front of a man who had black hair and blue eyes and he communicated with Jhos.
"Can't I visit my old friends anymore?'' I listened to their conversation.
'' May be so, but you would have to call. '' I heard a man's voice.
'' Well if we can come forward?'' Asked Jhos and saw that both men were looking at me.
'' Yes and I would like to hear how has it been going and who is that beautiful girl with you. '' He said, and they both laughed.

Jhos waved his hand, and I got out of the car and took my bags. Jhos and the stranger went into the house and I went to the door but could not go further. I understand that the owner lives in the house and must invite me in, or I'll stay here.
'' Jhos!'' I called.
'' Yes. '' He said.
'' What is it?'' He asked.
'' I can't come in. I must be invited in, Jhos." I said, and looked at me.
''Damon!'' He urged.
'' Yes, Jhos!'' He shouted. He came towards us and watched me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Damon, she's a vampire. I know you understand." Jhos said.
"She can't come in?" He asked. I nodded.
"Well I can't invite you in. Because this isn't my hose." He said. I looked at Jhos and she looked at me.
"What's your name?" Damon asked.
"Claudia." I answered.
"And your last name." He was curious.
"It's Mikaelson." I said and he was amazed.
"Are you relatives with Klaus Mikaelson?" He asked.
"No." I lied. Jhos didn't know about my family and didn't have to know.
"Well we could go to the Mystic Grill." Jhos suggested and we agreed.
We sat in the car and moved towards the Mystic Grill. We went in and towards the bar tender and Damon ordered bourbon. We drank and Damon talked sometimes to a boy who had blond hair and blue eyes. I caught even his name. His name was Matt.
"Well, there come the party police." Damon joked and I turned my eye to a man walking towards us.
"Stefan Salvatore. Haven't seen you in five years." Said Jhos.

Stefan's POV

I walked in the Grill and spotted my brother with Jhos and some girl. I walked to them and the girl turned her face towards me. She was gorgeous.
"Stefan Salvatore. Haven't seen you in five years." I heard Jhos's voice.
"Hello Jhos. Nice to see you." I said and then remembered why I came.
"Brother, we have problems." I said to Damon.
"Wait. You two are brothers?" The girl asked.
"Yes, Claudia, we are." Said Damon and stood up.
"Let's go." He said.
"Can we come too?" Asked Jhos.
"Sure." I said and we left the Grill.
We went to our hous and we all went in except Claudia.
"Why aren't you coming in?" I asked.
"She's a vampire brother." Said Damon.
"What's the time?" I asked.
"It's 10 minutes past two." Said Jhos.
"Hey guys. What's going on?" I heard Elena's voice.
I turned towards her and smiled.
"I'm happy that you are here. We need you." I said and she came closer.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"She's a vampire." I said and she nodded.
"What's your name?" She asked Claudia.
"My name is Claudia." She said and Elena stepped closer.
"Claudia, you can come in." Said Elena and Claudia stepped in the house.
"Thank you." She said and we moved to the living room.
"So Stefan. What's the problem?" Damon asked.
"He is in town." I said and he nodded.
"Wait who is?" Jhos asked.
"Klaus Mikaelson." I said and saw that Claudia was in shock.
"Hey Claudia. Is everything okay?" I asked and she nodded.
"Where's the bathroom?" She asked and Elena led her the way.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked but No one knew.
In few moments Elena came back.
"Is everything okay?" Jhos asked and she nodded.
"She just need a moment." Said Elena.
"Why. Does she have something to do with Klaus?" I asked.
"Well she has the same surname as Klaus." Said Damon and I looked at him.
"And you are saying this now." I asked him.
"But she said she isn't relatives with Klaus." Damon yelled.
"And you believe her?" I yelled and heard door shut.
"Claudia!" I yelled but no answer.
"She's gone and we have to find her." Said Elena and went out of the house.

Claudia's POV

I heard them yelling over me and wooshed out of the house on to the road. I walked the road until I got to the Mystic Grill. I walked In and ordered bourbon. I sit there thinking and I hear a voice that I haven't heard for centuries.
"You have to believe me. We well destroy them and we'll be the kings of the Mystic Falls." I listened the voice. I stood up and started walking to the exit head down until I pump into someone. I fall down and and look up.
"How dear you to pump in to me." The voice said and it was angry.
He looked down and was shocked.
I got up and excited the Grill. Wanted to cry. Did he really not remember me? I heard someone following me and turned around. It was him. I couldn't look him in the eye.
"Claudia is that really you?" He asked and I finally looked at him in the eye.
"Don't you remember me, Niklaus?" I said and woodshed away.

Klaus Mikaelson's twin sisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz