Chapter 3: That's How You Get Things Done.

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"That's a good point." I pulled the door open and walked inside. Immediately, Jordan and I were pushed aside by the manager as he rushed towards the boys. 

"Welcome, welcome boys!" he said a little too excitedly. "I am honored to have you boys staying with in my hotel!" The man fished out three room keys and handed them to Gabe, Cole, and Dalton, the oldest three of the group. "I have given you the presidential suite, I hope you enjoy it!"

I cleared my throat loudly, and the man glanced back at me. "What?" he spat, his excitement gone. My eyes narrowed. 

"Is that really any way to speak to a customer?" I asked, my hands gripping my hip. Jill had informed us earlier that we couldn't share rooms with the boys, and there was no doubt in my mind that he would give us a crappy room. 

"Sorry," he said sarcastically. "What do you need, little girl?" Jordan held me back as I tried to lunge at him. One thing I hate being called? A little girl. 

"We don't need anything, thank you," Jordan said, smiling sheepishly at the man. He nodded and walked away. My body was shaking in anger when Jordan let me go. 

"If he knew," I hissed, glaring at his retreating back. 

"If he knew what?" Will asked curiously. I had almost forgotten they were there. I glanced back at them, then huffed. 

"You guys go ahead, I gotta go to the restroom." I stormed off, carrying my bag with me. Gabe offered to take it upstairs for me, but I declined. One way or another, I was going to get Jordan and me just as good a room as the boys. 

Call me spoiled. Call me conceited or selfish, I don't really care. But when people treat me like I'm just a regular person, I get mad. I'm not used to being pushed around like I'm some unimportant teenage nerd. So if and when it does happen, I don't let it slide easily. 

I pushed open the bathroom door and quickly checked the stalls, making sure no one else was in there. When it was clean, I grabbed a 'Out of Order' sign that was leaned against the back wall and placed it outside the restroom door. Then, I dropped my bag onto the counter, and began to strip out of my regular clothes. 

I tossed my sweats and t shirt into the bed, then pulled out my bright red dress, black heels, and light blue jean jacket. Quickly, I pulled the dress over my body and stepped into the heels, making me four inches taller. I put my arms through the sleeveless jean jacket, then leaned against the counter and pushed the small, heart earrings with the British flag printed on them through the small holes in my ears. 

Next, I put on the golden bangles I had hidden in the front pocket of my bag, and to finish the outfit, a pair of black Ray ban sunglasses covered my eyes. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I remembered I still had my wig on. I yanked the stupid thing off, letting my natural wavy hair fall against my bag. After stuffing the wig into my black carry on back and zipping it up, I snuck out of the bathroom. 

I managed to make it back outside and around the corner of the hotel without being seen. Taking a deep breath, I held my head high, grabbed the straps of my bag, which was hanging on my shoulder, and stepped out into the open. 

Thankfully, the paparazzi were gone now. Well, most of them. I caught two just packing up when they saw me. One started snapping pictures of me, which I smiled for, while the other asked, "Ani, what are you doing in New York?"

I laughed. "Shopping, of course!" The men smiled at me, then let me be, which I was happy about. I pulled open the glass doors of the hotel and walked in. My heels were silenced by the royal red carpet that covered the lobby floor. I noticed for the first time a diamond chandelier hanging from the high ceiling in the center of the room. At the front desk sat the manager, playing a game on his computer. I rolled my eyes and stopped in front of him. My hand slammed against the bell, making him jump. 

"I was in the middle of something," he snapped, obviously annoyed. I smiled as sweetly as I could at him, knowing there were people bound to be watching by now. 

"Are you the manager of this fine hotel?" I asked polietely. He glanced at me.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I dropped my bag onto the floor, then sighed and pulled my sunglasses off. His eyes widened to the size of golf balls. "Y-You're A-Ani Bla-ack! I love you in Sisters of Fire, you looked so beautiful in that wedding dress." 

"Thank you. Now, I have a question, has the boyband IM5 checked in yet?" His head nodded like a bobble head. I clapped my hands together excitedly. "Wonderful! A friend of mine was with them, maybe you remember her. She had bright, neon green hair."

He frowned. "You're friends with her?" I cocked an eyebrow in the air.

"Yes, I am. Why'd you ask it like that?" He swallowed hard. 

"N-No reason. Of course I remember her! She was with another girl, too." I nodded and looked around the lobby sheepishly. 

"She told me you were pretty rude to her earlier… And she's really upset about it." I glanced back at him, and he must've realized where I was going with this, because he laughed nervously. 

"I was just joking around with her!" He reached under his desk and pulled out a small, plastic card, similar to the one the boys got. "But I'm sure the key to the other presidential suite will cheer her up." I smiled at him. 

"I'm sure you're right. I can take it up to her, just so you won't be interrupted from your… Work." If that's what you would call whatever it is he was doing. He nodded and smiled. 

"I am so sorry for the misunderstanding, Ms. Black." I picked up my bag and put my sunglasses back on. 

"Take care, Rick." I didn't think that was his real name, but to me, he looked like a Rick. I walked away from the front desk and towards the elevator, smirking to myself. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get things done.


This sucked, I'm sorry. More exciting things will start to happen in the next chapter, this was just more of a filler chapter. 

Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting on this story! (:

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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Lying Like A Proजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें