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When Mal and I kissed, I felt the feelings I had for her again. We sat at the table and I was seated right next to her. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss we just had and how right it felt. I watched her pick up her glass of water and smile before she took a sip. She's so beautiful. I hear a little giggle, "Why're you starring at me?" I look down and lick my bottom lip, then back up at her, "Sorry you're just uh... really cute." She looked really surprised by that, I don't blame her. I broke up with her, and I lied about why I broke up with her. After that we didn't talk for the rest of the night until the dinner was over. I hugged her, "Bye Beautiful." she giggle into my shoulder, "Jack you don't have to say stuff like that around my parent." I kissed her jaw line and said in her ear, "I'm not saying it for your parents, I'm saying it for you." She looks at me shocked and blushes, "What're you talking about Jack?" I was about to tell her when her mom interrupted, "Sweety can you go to the car? Your dad has been waiting for us." She goes and her mom asks, "Jack if you would like, you're welcome to stop by." I nod and she leaves.

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