Chapter 23: Happy ending?

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Chloe has written most of this chapter.

Taehyung's POV

It was 12am at midnight, I couldn't sleep so I woke up and sat outside our house near the pool. I saw that the light from Irene's room was still on, so I went closer to check on her. I heard something I didn't expect to...

"He will fall for me, just wait guys!! When we do he won't want to leave me!" I heard her laughing. Dude I would never fall for a witch like her, never ever in my life.

Then I went back to the lounge room. I saw something that caught my attention. Her iPad - I took it and went on it. I went on Wattpad (idk what else ok) and one of her liked story caught my eyes. 'Forced marriage'. I was curious and read book 1.

The things thats happening to us is like what's is happening in the story. She really thinks I would fall in love with her just because I'm living with her? Hell no.

-2 years later-

I was drinking water when Namjoon (Rap monster) came up to me, "You want to get lunch?"

"Yeah sure." I nodded.

We (BTS) decided what to do before we left to eat - except for Yoongi(Suga) since he's composing some songs at the moment.

I then felt someone tap on my shoulder. "Taehyung." Jungkook started to walk next to me.


"Dahyun's awake from her coma just now," I froze. What did I just hear? My heart leaped with joy just that moment, "And I'm going to visit her now. You should come."

I stared at the floor, not answering Jungkook. So many things were going through my mind. What will she think of me? Does she hate me? Does she still love me?

"Hello?" this knocked me out of my mind, "Are you coming?"Jungkook asked.

"No, I want to but... I can't. I've broken her heart too much. I don't think she wants to see me, and please take care of her about the promise I made. Ask her about the promise we made. If she forgot about them... it's okay." a tear dropped down from my cheek.

"It's not your fault! It was Irene's!! Come on Hyung!" This made me jump a little  bit.

"N-no, I can't... I'm afraid... this happens too often now." I looked away.

Jungkook stared at me, "Okay, I'll leave now. I'll promise you I'll protect her."

"Thank you." I gave Jungkook a weak smile and he walked off to the bus station to enter the hospital.

Dahyun's POV
"Let's go on a date tonight :)" Taehyung requested.

"Um... sur ...Sure?" I replied awkwardly

Then suddenly Taehyung and I ran until we stop at an old building and went inside to hide. We walked in and saw something we didn't expect.

While hiding some grabs Taehyung and stabs him.
"Dahyun, if we meet again.... you'll be my girlfriend, right?" He asked with his last breath
"Yes of course yes yes yes!" I cried

"TAEHYUNG!" I shouted. Tears were streaming down my cheek, I looked around and...

What the?

I looked at what I'm wearing. Why am I in a hospital? And why am I in one of those hospital robes? I also saw flowers. It read "Wake up soon, Tzuyu." What? I'm so confused.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled and got out of bed.

My hair was messy but I didn't care. I slipped in my slippers and opened the door.

"Excuse me, is there anywhere where I can have some food?" I tapped a nurse's shoulder.

"What? Dahyun! You're awake! Wait here! I'm calling he doctor!" the nurse said while rushing to a doctor's office.

What about my food? I thought. So I decided to walk back into my room. A nurse then came in and gave me some food.

30 minutes later, Tzuyu came in, with an unfamiliar guy.

"Tzuyu!" I smiled.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted int he middle of the road at school 2 years ago, then we found out you were I a coma. But you got your memorise back right" asked Tzuyu

"Yes," I replied "anything interesting happened when I was gone?" I asked

"Well..... Taehyung, Jungkook and Jackson debuted. Jackson debuted in a group called Got7 this year and Taehyung with Jungkoook debuted last year in a group called BTS."

"I see......" I replied, then I remembered that Taehyung and Irene.

"Btw, Taehyung and Irene-" it's like she knows what I was thinking "they got married....." my heart broke.
"But it was a force marriage, Taehyung didn't want to. So when he debuted as soon as possible he divorced with Irene."

"Oh..... that's good  I guess"
We chatted for a while until the unfamiliar guy whispered something to Tzuyu.

"Who is this person your with?" I asked

"His name is Mingyu, my new boyfriend." she explained. This kind of broke my heart. I thought Jungkook annd Tzuyu were a couple. What happened?

"Hello," Mingyu smiled, "I'm Kim Mingyu. And you're Dahyun, right?"

"Yes. How do you know?" I smiled.

"Tzuyu talks about you 24/7."

"Ahh thank you, and Tzuyu what about Jungkook?"

"We broke up, because I don't think  we were meant to be together." she explained. This made me very confused. I thought they were really happy together. Oh well. I'm not going to force her.

"Oh..." was the only answer I could express.

"Well, let's talk about something else!" Tzuyu sounded really happy.

"Sure?" I chuckled.

Jungkook then walked in to the room. "Hey Dahyun." he greeted, "Tzuyu... and?"

"Kim Mingyu." Mingyu smiled

"Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook smiled back

"Ah! You're from BTS! Right?"

"Yeah... Anyways, Dahyun," Jungkook faced me, "Do you remember the promise you made with Taehyung?"

"Um..." I tried thinking, but I only could think of darkness, "No. I don't think so. Why?"

"Oh, it's nothing." he shrugged it off.

We talked about some stuff for about twenty minutes, they all decided to leave. Tzuyu offered me for a drive but I kindly declined.

I changed into some casual clothes and packed my stuff. I emptied my bag, wondering what's in it.

I found someone's phone. I turned it on and I found a picture of Taehyung and me. This must be Taehyung's phone.

I started to look through it. I then saw some voice mails, so I decided to listen to it.

"Dahyun, it's Taehyung. I knew something was going on so I'm pre-recording this voice message. I think Taeyong is behind this, so be careful of him, okay? I don't want you to get hurt," It stopped for a few seconds, "I have a confession... If we meet again... You will be my girlfriend, right?" Then the voice mail ended.

Soon i remembered our date, and what has happened..... I remembered what I said and what I promised him.

"I won't love anyone else until you say you don't love me anymore."

To be continued...

We'll meet again | VhyunKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat