After that creature left I stayed on my knees not wanting to fall. Even though this was definitely a dream my body ached and stung at all the wounds but I didn’t want to show any weakness. I never show weakness.

Suddenly something grabbed my hair and lifted my head up roughly. The devil stood above me, his eyes burning like fire. I stared into them for what seemed like hours though I knew it wasn’t. They were like fireballs; they moved, changed color and filled me full of even more lust.

“Enjoy your torture?” he asked in a deep voice. I laughed once.

“You call that torture? That was nothing. You could do that to me every day and I still couldn’t call it torture.” He tightened his grip on my hair and I cringed lifting up to try and ease the pain.

“Good. You will be getting that and more every day. This is only the beginning.” He slammed me down to the ground and disappeared again.

And he was right. I got beaten three times a day that entire week, hung up on the wall, stretched, burned, bitten, anything painful you can think of I took with a smile and a laugh. This was a long dream but a dream nonetheless so no matter how horrible the pain it will subside soon.

I was chained on the wall, my now bare back pressed against the cold stone soothing my bruises and cuts. I was about to fall asleep when I heard the door creak open; I fluttered my eyes open.

“Do you like being tortured Darius?” The devil asked standing a mere foot away from me. He smelled amazing every time he stood close to me; it was a scent nobody could explain if they tried their hardest. It was out of this world to say the least.

“I get off on all of it.” I answered sarcastically.

“Fine then. I will have to try something different. Do you still believe you are dreaming?” I nodded. “Well I’ll have you know you are in fact dead. The person that killed you, Nick, got away with everything. Everybody lied saying it was self defense; even your own mother didn’t press charges. The judge believed everyone and it was written off as said. Your school is quite happy; they had a party on your funeral day which nobody came to including your mother. She is quite happy as well at her own son’s death. It’s a shame really. That she had to deal with you that is.”

“Bullshit! If I were dead Nick would be hunted down! Do you know how many people have my back?!” I yelled back not believing a word he said. There's no freaking way that would happen.

“All those people who supposedly had your back were the ones at the party.” He replied calmly.

“You are a fucking liar.” I growled.

“You will realize it soon enough. Now since the torture isn’t working on making you break you will become my slave.” He gave me one of his bone chilling smiles and I shivered.

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