Chapter 13 : Battle of the Day

Start from the beginning

Co-Captain : Sergeant Rendevel

Shooter : Sergeant Collins

Archer : Sergeant Samantha

Shield : Lieutenant James


Team Arcade Battle : 1st Place

Naval Battle of Intergalactic Soldiers : 1st Place

Survival in Planet Neptune : 1st Place

Individual Archery Battle : Sergeant Samantha : 1st Place

Hand-to-Hand Combat : Sergeant Spencer : 1st Place

Camouflage Contest in Planet Mars : 1st Place

Inter-Galactic Soldiers Games Year 2008 : Runner-Up
Inter-Galactic Soldiers Games Year 2009 : 1st Place

Inter-Galactic Soldiers Games Year 2010 : 1st Place

Inter-Galactic Soldiers Games Year 2011 : 1st Place"

The list went on and on until I realized something, the next page of the book was covered in blood. A wave of shock flushed right through me as I dropped the book. I calmed myself down and slowly picked it up. I heard an eerie cackle, realizing that there was a presence surrounding me.

I stood up and placed my hand near my boots to grab my gun, "Come out, come out, wherever you are, I can see you."

The person revealed herself, I recognized her after hearing her eerie laughter.

"Elnicjansamemli? I'm guessing you're with Gaia?" I cocked confidently.

"Lucky guess!" she chuckled.

"What do you want?" I shouted. I crept to the edge of the room, I was unarmed. The two were perfectly armed in their combat suits. I moved my hands in unison and grabbed the scattered rocks nearby. The rocks lifted around me, forming a belt of small pebbles for protection.

"How does it feel? Surprised to finally realized that your plans on protecting your friends have failed? You only slowed down a decade, not forever dear." She smirked.

"What do you mean?"

 But I soon realized what she meant when she dropped Rendevel to the ground. He was all tied up and his face was covered in bruises.

I became furious. Gaia smirked and pulled out her light saber and posed, threatening me. I swiftly moved my hands and carved the rocks into a sword.

In an instant both of us jumped forward and our weapons clashed. She was powerful, her moves were precise without wasting a single effort. She jumped and dodged my attack lightly as a soaring Phoenix.

"You live up to your reputations, Gaia."

"Well, I couldn't say the same thing to you. You've grown as slow as a slug!" she cackled.

I glanced over to Elnicjansamemli who was smiling creepily. Her sly smile suggested she was off to something malicious. Gaia roared her battle cry as she plunged her sword towards me. I twirled around the sword and caught it, leaving my paw drenched in blood.

I growled my last battle cry, thrusting my weight into this final attack. I aimed for her and pulled the sword up as I was about to slash her. She burst into laughter as I missed the attack. I dragged myself up, wiping away the sweat on my fore head. My chest felt suffocating as it is, but the spirit burning inside me pulled the last string of courage I had. I opened my eyes as I finally realized I was floating.

"This ends now." I claimed. I stood sternly, my arms drawing the Circle of Oregon.

Gaia laid out her sly smile. She too equipped her light saber into a huge gun. She aimed for me and shot, too bad that her gun speed would never match my lightning speed. I swiftly dodged her attacks and slammed her to the ground. She groaned in pain and tried to lift her weapon but it was no use. I kicked her weapon to the edge of the room. Her violet strands of hair covered her dirty face as she growled in anger.

Elnicjansamemli was startled seeing my actions earlier. I glanced over and gave her a blood-shot eyes look. I quickly went forward, in lightning speed, and whispered.


Her sly smile started fading as she faltered after hearing those words.

"You- " she gasped. Her eyes widening as I punched through her face. I gave her the strongest blow. I gave her everything I've got.

She dodged my attack and soared above me. She shape-shifted into a purple monster and plunged her claws straight into my limbs. Unfortunately, this time I was unable to dodge the attack. I fell to the ground, having my entire back soaked in blood due to the deep cut.

I was unable to lift my body. I choked out blood from my mouth. The wound prevents me from using my powers because the spine is the one controlling my external abilities. I covered my eyes as she aimed her last bullet to my chest.

"Goodbye Lydia!" she cackled.

My ears were ringing loudly, the sound of the gun shot rang wild in my ears. My eyelids twitching for a few times before it finally gave up. I saw a trail of pure light as I passed out into absolute darkness.

To Be Continued.

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