chapter one

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"That will be four hundred and eight dollars and ninety-four cents."

His eyes didn't even bat an eye at the price in front of him as he took out his platinum credit card and inserted it into the machine that would steal his zeros and lower his earnings but ultimately not leaving a single dent into what he managed to achieve.

"Here's your receipt. Have a nice day Mr.Oh." The cashier had a slight libidinous tone to her voice and the way her lips quirked slightly upward into a noticeable smirk gave it away. Although it was most distinctly  intentional, it was no surprise that she wanted him in her grasps, or preferably in her bed.

If it were a year ago perhaps Sehun would've gone along with the coitus act but alas he had no time nor the energy to partake in anything intimate with anyone. Already gone through one too many failed relationships that usually ended with him unable to commit to the other, he was enervated.

He deliberately ignored her supposed enticing invitation which led to the certain female behind the counter to scoff but continue with her day. Walking away with a cart full of food he felt as though something had slipped from his mind, something important, but with being too tired he decided to push the initial thought to a dark corner of his mind and continue walking towards his vehicle.

"Mr. President, please allow me" Sehun's chauffeur opened the trunk instinctively so that he would be allowed to place the baggage into to car.

"It is fine Willis just go back to the front and wait."

He nods his head and does what was instructed, as Sehun placed the food bags one at a time the thought returned. He cursed under his breath. " damn what was it again." He closed the trunk and hopped in the back seat, the driver being cued to proceed with a lift of a finger.

Why did I decide to come out today? Was it for food? No. I just got that a long the way, what was it?

Handful of minutes passed with no progress and the chauffeur announced the arrival at the apartment complex. Sighing he opens the door and instructs Willis to go home and have a nice vacation with his family. The holidays were meant to be celebrated with them and he would not be happy with himself if he kept the man from them any longer. With helpful hands from a couple of bell boys Sehun's food was transported immediately to his room and inside his fridge without even leaving the lobby as he waited for them to finish. It was not that Sehun was too incompetent to do so himself it was more along the lines of an honorable sacrifice for someone else to receive as an award. For the people who serve him with this basic task get rewarded with extra pay. He didn't mind, he did nothing which was good for him and the others got payed for doing something easy. So it works out for all of them in the end.

His keys jingle in his hand as the specific key to his luxurious two floored apartment home fits perfectly into his lock. He was deciding to invest in a key pad but the feel of a key made everything seem more familiar. He Opened the door to reveal his house the same way he left it. He should probably really clean sometime. A familiar yip was heard from upstairs as the patter of feet follow down them soon after. "Hey Vivi." He smiles at his white fluffy Bichon breed. The fur ball yaps again as Sehun kneels down to pick him up earning small licks to his hand as he walks towards his kitchen. "Tomorrow is a big day ahead of us." He smiles down at Vivi who was currently trying to escape his humans hold. "Alright alright." He sighs letting the dog go as he runs away to god knows where and sets his keys down. "Hey mom." Sehun whispers to the photo of his mother and him placed at the island table in his kitchen. Soon a ring comes from his pants pocket and he quickly takes out his cell to answer.

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