Remember the times

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"No. NO NOOOOOO!" A sad and woefull voice yelled out. A figure sank to its knees with a worn yellow letter clenched in its hand. The mans blue-green eyes shimmered blue ans tears threatened to fall from his full lashes. His head fell forward and his shoulders shook with silent sobs. On the yellow page, bold letters stood out in comparason had relayed a sad event.

Dear Mr.Markson

We are sorry to inform you that your husband has passed in the line of duty. The wound was too great for our nurses and doctors to heal.

We are notifying you to let you know that we give you the option of cremation or burrial. The date of the funeral is 12-25-14. We sent our deepest regrets and hope you will send your letter soon. All of us in the Army branch sends their support.

That was as far as he had read. He cared not whom the senders were. All he cared about was that Felix was dead. His husband, best friend, highschool sweetheart, his lover. Killed in the line of duty.

His hunched form fell forward and his hair splayed out around him like a broken halo. The salty tears seemed bitter as he reread the letter.

'He's dead' he thought. His hollow voice echoed in his mind, almost taunting. He closed his eyes and allowed his tears to fall freely. He thought back to the day he left.

That day, many months ago, was full of saddened joy. When Felix had recieved the letter, he spun Steven, his husband, around with laughter. For the rest of the day they spent by the fire, reading, laughing and whatnot. Late that night they made love for the last time before he left.

For the next several months Steven sat on the bench by the mailbox, waiting. They would send letters to keep in touch, some letter would make him laugh, others swoon. Until a couple months ago when the letters stop comming, as did the mailman. That was until minutes ago. He walked out to see the mailman sitting on the bench with his head low, and handed the envelope to steven when he walked up.

Confused by this, he looked down and saw that the letter came from Felix's base. With letter in hand, steven ran into the house  with mixed emotions. He tore the envelope open and read the letter, which led to where he is now. He layed still, not moving a muscle. For what seemed like hours, he finaly got up and wobbled to the kitchen.

As he waited for tea to make he remebered what the past several months felt like. All those saturdays by the mail, the rest of the days filled with worry and doubtful hope. He remebered the days where he felt like his husband would come home, and other days where he strongly doubted he would come home evem though he was hopeful.

"Well, guess i didnt wish hard enough." He muttered and turned to tend to the shrilling teapot on the stove. He stopped himself short when he was about to pour a cup of tea for a man that was dead halfway around the world. Staring at Felix's favored cup had thrown him into an another state of depression. The brown haired male sat in his seat staring into his tea cup while swirling its contents.

He peeked up to the seat across from him and smiled as he imagined Felix sitting there, looking at him with addoring love. His smile turned watery as the blond haired man's warm brown eyes fadded away, leaving the once bright room dark and empty. Steven gently set down his green tea cup down and stood up, headed for the knife drawer.

Drawing out the sharped one, he set out to carve out Felix's name in his pale arm. After he was done he looked over the markings and smiled shakily at the red lines that would scar at a later date. He grinned as he passed out, knowing as he lay in his pooling blood that Felix would Forever be with him.

No ones pov

Steven awok with a start and felt the tears that fell down. The tears as he remembered the day his husband died, the day he no longer was a Markson, but a staley once more. Steven wiped away the tears and smiled as he felt Felix's presence in the room. The man could wipe a smile off of anyones face with just his presence. He carresed the markings on his arm that spelt out FELIX on his arm.

The scars had fadded slightly, but you could still see the thin lines that once were yellow and full of pus. He traced each one as he smiled. Felix was the only one who didnt care about the damned collar and saw past it enough to ask for his hand in marrage.

Samual sensed stevens awakend state and had helped up the other so they could start walking. He could tell steven was thinking about Felix but said nothing as he appreciated the man for taking care of his kitten. He knew about the scars and the letter and was saddened when steven told him about them during their stay at the nut house.

The two walked in silence as they headed to the out skirts of town, towards the meeting point, takimg comfort in their silence and in eachother.

Hay guys, so this is just a bit of info about our friend steven. He is actualy 30 here. He was 22 when Felix Markson had died in combat. To be honest i dont know much about the army branch. Im more familiar with the naval branch so... yeah. Anyway. I think that next time i update will be a question and answer.

I didnt do one before because no one had given me questions to answer. Anyway this is more of a backstory for steven. A.S. and B.S.  after samual, before Scary.
Please question my story guys. Bye.

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