Fusion without rhyme or reason

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Scary's face fell as he realised that he too would have the mark. But he didnt care at the moment. Right now his little pet needed him.

"Come on my little pet. Master wants you to beg." Scary coed. Steven nooded dumbly as he crawled to scarys lap. In his mind steven was at war with lust.

'Come on lust! If you do this he will take over." Steven argued.

'Good! Hadnt seen action like dis since you last been wif em.' Lusts new york accent shown through.

'And thats for a good reason lust. If i did get layed then that would have released HIM!' Steven reasoned. He knew lust was stubborn, he just didnt know he was stubborn asshole.

'Just chillax bra. Let me take over fa nao. I cin handle dis.' Lust smiled as he rubbed stevens back. Steven huffed but nodded. There was a light and suddenly lust was one with stevenson again.

"What was that steven?" Scary asked.

"Guess whos back baby. Its mua!" Stevens new york accent carried on through out. Scary grinned like a shark and pulled the other in for a hot messy kiss.

"I knew youd be back lusty. Never could keep you paws off." Scary chuckled.

"Yea? An yer one ta talk mistar buff an hottie." Steven moaned as he ground against scary. Scary nodded and pulled the other against him, letting the warmth pool around like heavy smoke. Scary and steven paid no mind as it didnt stop them for long. Scary was on his back while steven had rode the thick appendage like a champ.

Scary grabbed stevens hips and started to thrust into the pliant body on top of him. Steven curled his hands against scarys clothed chest almost like cat paws. His legs lay on either side of scarys hips.

Scary took one of stevens ears in his mouth and bit down while his hand played with his tail. The other three watched as steven seemed at peace with his inner slut. Stevens red face showed no regret as he bounced up and down on the hot rod. Scary growled out as he grabbed onto steven once more and began to thrust deeply into the brunette.

"Shit steven im gonna-"

"Im going to to. Please, inside. I beg of you.
MASTER!" Steven moaned out as scary pistoned into him without warning. The thrusts got faster and faster until they stilled.

"DADDYYYYYYYYYY!!" Steven cried out, drooling as he came and felt scary release into him. They collapsed together with scary still in him.

"Brings a whole new meaning to 'go fuck yourself' huh stevie?" Scary smiled when he heard steven laugh. Slowly Scary disolved into thin air, entering a sleeping stevensons mind

Sorry if this was short for you guys. If any of you follow me on twitter and you saw that horrific excuse of a live video im sorry. My finger was probably over the mic. Anyway, i love all of you guys to death. Anyway. Please spread the word that skellykit is one for uniqueness and individuality. If you have a friend whos down from meanie bullies, tell them that bullies are assholes and can go suck a duck. Tell them they are unique, that they are important in their own special way.

Im all for stopp the bullies.  Here is my twitter thing that i fucked up on. https://www.periscope.tv/w/auLpbjFZTEVKTmJwTGV3RU58MWdxeHZSTXJicGp4QgaIQVkS1ee6O8agOH_V0_z3wN1drI3B2q6qSnk7n1_4

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