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  I peered out of my window and saw the BMW pull into the driveway. I slid my feet into my Fenty slides and tossed my phone in my purse. I shut my lights and closed the door before dashing downstairs. I got there just as Hayden knocked.  I opened the door and revealed a sharp dressed Hayden. He took off his sunglasses and put them in his shirt pocket.

  "Hey Rosalie." He said, stepping  into my house.

  "Hey Hayden." I replied smiling.

  "Can I use your bathroom?" He asked a little shyly.

  I nodded and pointed down the hall. He smiled and walked away. I took that brief moment to check him out. Six foot tall, no more than one-sixty-five. Tousled blond hair, broad shoulders, great posture, confident. He was arguably the most attractive guy at my old high school. He was also the most popular. His circle of friends was hard to get into, but in the last year, I had somehow made it in. At nineteen,
he was two years older. He spent a full year travelling with his parents, I skipped a grade. Both of us in senior year. 

  He came out of the washroom and walked back to the door. He fixed the cuffs on his sleeves and stood in front of me, smiling down.  I blushed and looked away, but his water warmed hand cupped my chin and pulled me back. As if in a movie, he leaned down and kissed me. It was short and sweet. If I wasn't pink in the face before, I certainly was now.

  "God I've been wanting to do that for a while." He mumbled.

  It all seemed surreal. When I first laid eyes on Hayden, he was locking lips with the thin French exchange student in grade ten.  Now his hands were caressing my wide hips, and thick midsection.

  "You looked shocked." He whispered, pushing a strand of my hair away.


  "It's fine. It's eleven. Let's go get brunch. Then we'll come back and I'll help you with the rest of your room." He said.

  "You're so sweet."

  "Sweet for you." He winked.

  Hayden and I left my house and he drove to one of the small diners in Waning Falls. He parked and let me out like a gentleman. It was my first time going into town since we moved. Our house was in the outskirts. It didn't surprise me to see everyone looking at us. I had no doubt they knew we weren't from there.

  "Good Morning!" The hostess of the diner greeted us.

"Morning." We replied.

"For two?" She asked.

I nodded and she picked up two menus and walked off. Hayden took my hand and we followed her. She sat us down at a booth by the window.

"Your server will be with you soon." She said, placing the menus down in front of us.

We thanked her and opened our menus.

"Order whatever you please. You know I like a girl who can eat ." Hayden said.

I smiled and looked through the specials. The Werewolf Feast stood out to me. Thick cut bacon, three egg whitesFrench toast with fruits and whipped cream, and steak.

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