Chapter 3: Attack of the Mousers

Start from the beginning

I must've dozed off because the next thing I know, I wake up and see her finally awake and drinking some tea. "So, you okay now?" Mikey came over and asked her. "Yes, thanks. I've decided that this is a very long dream that I keep not waking up from or it's the weirdest thing that ever happened to me." She replied. I nodded, "Well fair enough." 'Even though, we're not really a figment of your imagination.' "Young woman, we have something most important to discuss," Splinter stated. "What?" April asked. "We have never revealed ourselves to the upper world. You have placed us all in great danger." He explained. "But Master Splinter, she was in trouble and we helped her," Leo said and his brother joined in. "Yeah, aren't you always teaching us to try to do the right thing?" Raph asked.

"As you grow older, you will learn there are many ways to do the right thing," He spoke. My eyes widened. 'Was he just suggesting that... that we...?' I shook this thought away, not wanting to think it. I hear him sigh. "But there is no going back. I'm afraid we find ourselves at your mercy." Splinter lowered his head in April's direction. "Oh, I would never tell anybody. I mean, who would believe me?" She replied ever so quickly. "She's got a point," Donnie commented. "Yeah, we're unbelievable," Mikey commented while posing dramatically. Raph glared at his younger brother, "Geez, where's your off switch?"

"Seriously, I promise." She said so sincerely. Splinter got up and went to her, looking into her eyes and saying, "I believe you." Leo joined next to him, "Is this another lesson, Master Splinter? How to sense the truth?" 'Geez, he seems so eager to have so many lessons.' "No," Splinter began, "This is called trusting your gut." I giggled at that a little. "So, if I'm keeping your secret, what exactly is it? Who are you, people- er, turtles, er whatever?"

"I have memories," Splinter began, "Memories of what I used to be what you might call normal. I remember, a day that started like any other, but ended changing the course of many lives. I witnessed an accident. A young boy carried a glass jar with four pet infant turtles. An old blind man was crossing the street when he was almost run down by a large truck. As the truck swerved, a metal canister bounced out of the back. It smashed open, releasing a glowing ooze, which covered their bodies. I took pity, gathering them up in a coffee can. I took them to my borrow. The next morning, I awoke to find the four had doubled in size. The ooze had affected their growth. It changed me also, making me larger and more intelligent. They followed me everywhere, except above ground. I knew the people of the surface would not understand. We are so different. I was amazed by their dexterity, but even so, I was not prepared for what happened one day. They actually spoke my name. Soon they all were speaking." He paused for a moment, smiling at the memories, before continuing, "Intelligence followed soon after. Realizing that the world above is sometimes a dangerous place, I began teaching them ninjutsu, the secret arts of stealth and power, and all that I knew of this world. From a battered book on Renaissance art that I fished out of the storm drain, I chose names for each of them." He looked to my brothers, "Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, and last but not the very least," His gaze landed on me, "Isabella. Together, they are..."

"Turtles forever," They yelled together with their hands joined. I only facepalmed at them, 'Yep, my brothers are idiots.' "Or something like that when we all yell at once," Mikey said. "First rule: Ignore Mikey. Your life will be much easier," Raph grinned. "So we have remained in secret and that is our story," Splinter finishes, standing up with his walking stick. "But, how did you know martial arts and what about Isabella?" She looks between my rat father and I. "That is a story for another time and as for Isabella, we are unsure of what her story is," He bowed his head. "Yeah, even I don't know." I added before hearing Mikey turn on the news, "Hey guys look at this."

The news explains about a robbery and it got to a picture of a very, very familiar footprint. "So, anybody wanna take a wild guess what did this?" Mikey sarcastically asked. April got up and looked at the screen before saying, "This must be what I heard Dr. Stockman talking about. He's got the Mousers robbing banks." Raph sat up. "What do you know about this Stockman guy?" He asked. "He's a genius," She began, "He's also nuts. I used to work for him, but when I got suspicious, he turned the Mousers on me. Luckily, I ran into you guys."

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