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My lips have never felt other

They have never licked


Bit other lips

My tongue has never felt another

It has never tangled

It has never felt the bliss

The bliss people have in a kiss

In my line of thought

I lay by the door rag

Staring up

Admiring the magic of the mistletoe

How it has the power to unite two lips

I wonder why its magic has never fallen upon me

But magic is magic

In a dream

A guy walks over to my sleeping form

Lays down beside me

Looks at what I'm staring at

Then slowly faces me

Takes my face in his palms

And tenderly places my lips on his

In what is my very first kiss

Is it a dream?



It hits that it is reality

When our lips glide gently

Moving in a rhythm

Our hearts beating together

Our hands tied in a knot

Is this the bliss of a kiss?

Is it this powerful?

My very first kiss

Was given to me

Just below the mistletoe


Merry Christmas: A Poetry CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now