1 - Love at First Ogre

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          Hi, my name is Susan but they call me Ramen Head. I used to be straight and horny but now I'm lesbian and still horny. I've dated seventy people I think one of them was Boob and Lolly idk but here I am today with my one true love, Bertha. 

          I've had my ups and downs with girl sex, sometimes pussy good sometimes pussy bad but at the end of the day pussy dank. To describe myself I have ramen hair (that's why everyone calls me that) and I'm super pale sometimes I think I'm a vampire.

          I saw my girlfriend Bertha on Woozworld today and it made me pee a lil and made me all horny thinking about making out and doing the do with her virtual self. She looked so pretty in her basic ass outfit and I wanted to bang her right there on WoozIn with everyone watching except I realized it was a bad idea. But I did it anyways.

          I told her I would pin her against the wall. It sounded so good to me but I think ppl thought I was gonna murder her against the wall or some psychotic shit so I scratched that idea and pretend it never happened. Good thing Bertha was turned on by the idea, so it made me keep fantasizing. 

          I pushed her against the wall and leaned in for a kissy kissy but my hair got in the way. "Fuck not again!" I thought as I furiously shaved my head. Why do bad things always happen to me, and why does my girlfriend look so perty. I'm gonna tell her that cos I gotta every two seconds, can't let her forget it. "You're so beautiful princess I wanna bang you hard," I whispered into her ears as she giggled. 

          Bertha noticed my shaved ramen hair on the floor and she inched away. She had a look of disgust on her face and I knew this was the end. "Ur ramen," she whispered to me, her eyes big and horrified. "It's off your head! What am I going to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner now?!" "Shit!" I thought, falling to the floor to gather my precious noodle soup hair. They looked so good that I wanted to eat that shit right then and there instead of eating Bertha's pussy, but I controlled my man animal instincts. 

          I looked Bertha in the eyes. They were so beautiful, her brown eyes that used to look like poop suddenly gleaming in the moonlight. I pushed her Afro hair behind her ear and leaned in for a kiss, puckering up my lips until they were bigger than her head and neck combined. I slowly grabbed onto Bertha's shirt and lifted it up, feeling the bare skin of her pixelated body. I broke my lips away from hers for a minute to take off her shirt altogether, revealing her full upper body except she didn't have any boobs or nipples cause this was Weeworld but it's ok, I still love her either way. Bertha let out a gasp, her eyes growing so round that they could pop out of her eye socket and roll onto the floor and she let out a little giggle. This was such a perfect moment for me, being under a full moon with the woman I mean pixels I love right in front of my eyes.

          Standing there with her made me feel so ecstatic and I just wanted to kiss her more with every second that passed. She smiled at me and I thought wow I am the luckiest man in the world I mean woman (that is debatable) to have Bertha. Her pixels make my stomach turn around and around but maybe that's from the ramen I had earlier. "Let's go somewhere private," I whispered seductively into her ear and gave it a lil toot, a preview of what I'll do to her pussy.

          Bertha placed her massive ogre hands on my man shoulders, and I let out a small groan. This felt like a Shrek and Shrek Fiona love story, everything I've always hoped for. I felt Bertha gently nibble on my ramen hair, and I froze on the spot. I didn't tell her that I haven't washed my hair in a few days because that shit grew all the way past my butt and keeps swinging itself into the toilet whenever I go poo that I gave up on washing it, but I didn't bother with telling her and instead, let her continue nibbling. Bertha eating my ramen head made me feel a type of sensation that I've never felt before, and it made my entire body tingle. What was this feeling? I let out a smile bigger than my entire face. The feeling was luv. "I love you, Drake," I murmured, trying to make my voice as seductive as it could go except I sounded a little man. It was ok, I knew she would love me no matter what. "Drake?" Bertha removed her hand off my man shoulders and looked at me in confusion. I realized my mistake and quickly pulled a bullshit response out of my ass, my heart pounding out of my chest jk I don't think I have a heart but anyways. "I said Berthake," I replied, trying to pull her ogre body into mine.

          Bertha shoved my away and pulled the biggest meanest bitch face I've ever seen in my entire life. "Who the fuck is Drake," she demanded. I didn't know what to say. I was so confused and horny all at the same time that I couldn't help feel turned on by Drake's pixels even tho I was lesbian. I just thought of how his hat gently fell over his hair and how soft it looked. I just wanted to take off his hat like man that turned me on so bad I couldn't help it half of the time. Bertha quickly put her pixel shirt back onto her flat ass body looking super flustered. All I could think of at the moment was how perfectly her shirt stuck to her skin and even tho she had no curves cos ww I still felt super turned on. Even with her man shirt on I wanted to place kisses all over her no boobies body I thought she was beautiful the way she was.

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