eleven - why worry by set it off

Start from the beginning

"What was that?" Brandon grins at my embarrassment, for it is not often I'm sheepish.

"He's F-I-N-E, fine. Thank you," I annunciate. My grip on the sturdy rope tightens unconsciously. When I see my knuckles turn white, I release my hold on the swing. The golden necklace I have on becomes my new toy to fiddle with while avoiding Brandon's all knowing gaze. Wiping my lip, I realize I drew blood from biting too hard.

Brandon's smirk gets even wider. "Now, there's no denying that you like him," Brandon concludes. He mocks me by biting his lip and tightens his grasp of the rope on his swing. "Ow!" He exclaims as I hit him on the head.

"Yes, yes I do." I admit, ignoring my flaming cheeks. Deep breaths, Autumn. "Let's not talk about him anymore," I say in a voice that has no room for arguing.

He holds his hands up. "Fine, fine."

I change the subject. "In all seriousness," I start, "I'm glad to have you back."

His pearl white teeth blind me in one of his infamous smiles. "Same here, little sister."

"I'm older!" I exclaim.

"Being two minutes older doesn't count for shit."

"Two and a half!"

"Still doesn't count."


Two weeks later

"No, you can't groom llamas, they're wild animals," I tell Brandon and Lacey.

They both respond in unison, "What does being a wild animal have to do with anything?"

After Brandon and I talked, we ate dinner as we plotted on how to get Lacey back, as my best friend and as his girlfriend. While I mended her post-breakup heart, Brandon got her flowers. I led Lacey outside and he surprised her. Both Brandon and I knew that Lacey would either cry and run back to her room or accept his flowers. Lacey did neither; instead, she pushed the flowers out of the way and hugged Brandon. I'm happy to finally say that all is forgiven between us three.

Now, we're all eating out at this nice little pub and bar right across from school. For some reason, we all just decided to ask or try to answer very stupid questions. My phone vibrates on the table.

Incoming call from Colton Winter.

"Oh! It's the boyfriend!" Brandon squeals. I give him a signature, shut up or I'll feed you to the monkeys, look.


"Autumn Eve, I have a really big favor to ask. Would you please, pretty please, watch over the twins and Grayson for an hour or so?" Colton pleads from the other line, I can hear a note of depression or desperation, but I can't confirm it.

I mutter, "Just give me a second, have to talk with Brandon and Lace." Turning my phone on mute, I ask, "Can you two drop me at Colton's?"

They both nod and go up to the counter to pay for our meal, shoving each other along the way. Tapping the mute button again, I joke, "The jury has reached a verdict, yes. What time shall I be arriving?"

"As quickly as you can would be nice." I could hear his sigh of relief.

"On my way, bye, Colton."


Grabbing a few fries from my plate, I go over to meet Lacey and Brandon by the door. "Are you watching the twins again?" Lacey asks. I nod in response.

The air outside sends goosebumps up and down my arms. While we were inside, the sun went down and the moon and stars came out to take its place. Lights beamed from every angle around us, the car headlights, the stoplights, the luminescence of the restaurant sign right behind us, it was truly radiant.

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