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My story begins in 1940. I was living in the little town of Bayer. I was seventeen at the time; I had my whole life ahead of me. I had the perfect life, I was cheer captain and my boyfriend Johnny was a star athlete. We were the perfect couple. Everyone wanted to be us or be around us.

It was our senior year of high school, we were  both about to graduate when the war began. All the boys from the neighborhood were either drafted or they enlisted into the military. It was the right thing to do, and Johnny like every other boy, wanted to enlist. It broke my heart but I knew not going was going to break his; so I watched him get on the greyhound bus, off to Paris Island. At that moment  I knew my life was never going to be the same

On his first leave he proposed and we got married soon after. He started his first tour in Okinawa, Japan. I was devastated because the news outlets would tell us that everything was okay but  in reality we kept receiving corpses by the load.

I never thought that the war would last so long. Or that I would see so many men come back broken or dead. I couldn't picture him that way. I couldn't picture putting him six feet under and never being able to see him again. So I made sure not to think about him. I made sure not to think at all. But it was killing me inside.I was losing my mind, I was loosing myself.

I went for a walk on the town square, there I saw a sign or more of a calling. A factory was looking for women to make bombs. I decided to write Johnny and let him know that I was think about doing it. Of course I knew his answer, "No" and I couldn't wait for his response so I started right away. At first everything seemed off. Our boss Jim treated us like children and scorned us every time he could. soon I made friends. Lucy the red head, Racheal the rebel and Norma the quite one. I liked my little crew. we would sit together in the cafeteria and smoke a cigar on our breaks.

These ladies became my life source. I believed that I would know them forever. They were my distraction. I missed Johnny and when I was with them the ache seemed less apparent. I received Johnny's letter about a month after I started at the factory. I was glad to hear that his troop hadn't entered a mission yet. he was still in his barracks waiting for orders. He told me he loved and missed me, and that he would be home soon. He also told me to quit the factory. he said there was no use for it. So I lied to him, I told him I left.

About five months passed and Johnny had not returned my letters. I was worried, but no one came knocking on my door with a death certificate so I didn't think much of it. The girls at the factor all had husbands or partners in the war. now and then we would see military officers walk in and call one of the girls to Jim's office.

The worst case I ever saw was that of Rita's. Rita was a lovely women, she was very colorful and radiant. Her husband died two months into his time and Rita was left pregnant. It was a rule in the factory to report anyone who was pregnant to Jim but we all knew that Rita had no other family and she needed the money. She left the factory for three months and when she came back she was no longer pregnant. till this day we know what happened, but we do not speak of it. God only knows what that poor women went through. I don't blame her, without a man at her side and no other family; another mouth to feed would be impossible.   

A/N" : hey guys please let me know if you like it so far. I have many ideas that i would like to add but i would really like your comments and suggestions. Thanks and have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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