Chefs Table on Netflix is the most pretentious shit I've ever seen.

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Seriously these people act like they are changing the world and making the world a better place for everyone because they are so full of them selves they can't just see that they are just making stupid, impractical overpriced food.

I can appreciate the art part of it, most, if not all the stuff they make looks nice and different and whatever, but the way they talk about what they do and how the world will react to their creations is astoundingly pretentious.

If you haven't had the pleasure of watching some out of touch chefs brag about how hip and cutting edge they are, I implore you to go watch any episode; honestly just pick at random and get ready to be blown away by snooty, stuck up douche bags.

I love watching cooking shows, this was just too much of that hipster bull shit, and dear Lord, I feel like I just became a bit narcissistic from watching these people stroke their own ego and proclaim how brilliant they are.

You're making food, not curing diseases. You would honestly think these people thought they cured cancer with how they talk about their work and how they do it. SO OBNOXIOUSLY ARTISTIC. /rant

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