Chapter 7 Meeting new people

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Ok so before this chapter starts I would like to say sorry I haven't updated in a few days Iv been in pain from my surgery but I'm pushing through it know so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I love you all

Ezra's p.o.v

"So inquisitor what will we be doing in sith training today." I asked

"A few things take this lightsaber and get into position." Said the inquisitor

Next thing I knew the inquisitor started  attacking me but I was able to block him a few times.

"Don't just block my apprentice the Jedi will attack you will need to be able to more then just block try and attack me." Said the inquisitor

I was able to attacked him but not enough to knock him down or anything.

"Use your anger your anger powers you." Said the inquisitor

I thought of how the first time in forever(anyone see what I did there) I trusted people again and how they never came back to help me next thing I Knew I was attacked the inquisitor and I was able to make him drop his light saber and knock him down.

"Great job Ezra." Said the inquisitor

"Thank you master." I said

"Now let's see how you do when you have people shooting at you." Said the inquisitor

He brought out some storm troopers

"Master who are they Iv never seen them before." I said

"These are our top storm troopers." Said the inquisitor

Each of them took of there helmets.

"I'm Kenny." Said one with blond hair

"I'm Eric." Said one with brown hair

"I'm Stanley but people call me Stan." Said one with black hair

"And I am Kyle." Said one with red hair

(If anyone can guess what show I got them from I'll give you a shoutout I'll take to 5 people)

"Nice to meet you guys in Ezra." I said

"Now that you know each other troops get ready and shoot." Said the inquisitor

I got into position and then they started shooting at me.

"Dodge every now and then after deflect so it will go towards them." Said the inquisitor

I was able to dodge some but I got hit a few times.

"Try deflecting." Said the inquisitor

I deflecting many of them but half of them didn't even hit the troopers.

"Enough you've done good Ezra I think your done training for today we will train torrmow before I have you and Summer go get the shipment of kyber saber crystals." Said the inquisitor

"I thought you didn't trust Summer though." I said

"I don't whitch is why you will be taking Kenny, Eric, Stan, and Kyle with you." Said the inquisitor

Hope you guys enjoyed love you and remember if you guess what show they are from I'll give you a shoutout

Nya5555 out
May the force be with you

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