Chapter 1 on my owne

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Ezra's p.o.v
I can't believe that crew I risk my life for them and they don't even come back for me. I guess I should never trust anyone.

5 months later still Ezra p.o.v

It's been a 5 months sience iv seen them. As I walk down the streets of Lothal I see so many family's. That just makes me think of my parents. As I was walking I numbed into someone and they knocked me down.

"Hey watch were your going." I said

"Sorry wait, Ezra is that you." Said The stranger

I looked up to see the person who was the one person who betrayed me Kanan Jarrus.

"Sorry Ezra I didn't see you there." Said Kanan

I just turned and walked away.

"Wait Ezra come back." Said Kanan as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I said

"But Ezra I need to stay something." Said Kanan

"I don't want to hear it." I said

I ran as fast as I could but as I ran I could hear Kanan calling for me but that just made me run faster. I finally got to my tower but as soon as I sat down Kanan came in.

"Leave." I said as rudely as I could

"But Ezra I just want to talk." Said Kanan

"I don't want to hear what you say." I said

"But I-." Said Kanan before I cut him off

"No I don't want to hear it if it's coming from you I don't want to hear anything you say." I said so rude that Kanan looked at me in shock

"But Ezra I just wanted to say-." Said Kanan before I cut him off again

"No Kanan as soon as you leave my life will be better just leave and never come back." I said

"Kid I-." He tried saying before I cut him off again

"I don't want l hear it." I said

Kanan just look at me with fear in his eyes. I could tell he knew something was wrong just he wouldn't tell me.

"Now I'm gonna say this one more time just leave." I said

"Ok I'm leaving." Kanan said

As he walked to the door he turned around and said "I just wanted to say we're sorry for not coming back for you we shouldn't have done that."

I just look at him in shock and confusion why would he be saying sorry to me. I was gonna say something but this time he cut me off as like he read my mind.

"I said sorry because we feel bad for not coming back for you and you don't know this yet but there is something special about you Ezra Bridger you just don't know it yet I hope we cross each other's past soon goodbye." Said Kanan as he left

I just stared at the door as he left. What did he mean there's something special about me. I sighed as I sat down I guess I'll never understand anyone.

Hey guys I hope you like this story I made it for a contest for Stevie1192 contest and of you haven't read his story trust no one or his profile I recommend  you do he inspired me to make my story "remember me" well that's all for now

Nya5555 out
May the force be with you

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