[#002] I actually found someone..

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welp. I actually have a confession to make.

   I actually thought I wouldn't fall for anyone again. But I have, and I've never fallen so hard for someone. Like, I thought I was past crushes, I have my dog to worry about. But I've been thinking about you for a while. You shockingly stole my heart, we have so much in common. You're aesthetic, I'm aesthetic. You're pretty harsh, and sharp, and I like that about you. I just, I haven't loved someone like this. You stole my heart the first time I spotted you. I promise I'll take care of you with all my love and I'll make you the happiest you'd ever been. I know you can hurt me since you're so 'sharp' but I'll risk it. Just for you. Your aesthetics are way better than mine, and think about it. What if we were a couple, we can take selcas together and be the ultimate aesthetic couple. Right? Doesn't that sound great? I don't know what else I can say to express my love for you, but I almost love you just as my as my love for Siro. That says a lot since Siro is so very precious to me and my love for Siro is unconditional. I hope you feel the same way towards me. I really do. I love you, please be mine ;))) You had me at hello.

I'm sorry I haven't noticed it earlier, Cactus.

I'm sorry I haven't noticed it earlier, Cactus

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