➳ chapter one

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Bitch I'm back, a popular demand. *cues music*

This is going to be pretty different from everything else I've ever written because it tackles more serious and realistic topics such as disorders (only one I'm sure I'll include), abuse (mental and physical) and also unhealthy relationships and "...

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This is going to be pretty different from everything else I've ever written because it tackles more serious and realistic topics such as disorders (only one I'm sure I'll include), abuse (mental and physical) and also unhealthy relationships and "unrequited" love/"one-sided" love. (Those quotation marks are there for a reason fam.)

There will be much love and all, but this is also pretty heavy on angst compared to all my other works.

Oh, and Zayn is an absolute penis if you didn't figure that through the summary. He's straightforward but do not mistake that for open.

And this work will include sex, much of it, heavily descriptive, slightly descriptive or simply implied. Like they'll be fucking in the next two chapters or so.



Justin stepped out of the sleek, black Range Rover, nodding at his chauffeur in thanks. He walked around the vehicle and heard the clacking of heels, the woman meeting him halfway.

"I still don't understand why I'm being dragged to this art class with you," he said truthfully. There was no point. He was hardly interested in paintings and sculptures and drawings, and she knew this, yet somehow she had managed to force him out from his home and take him here.

Selena's eyes met his with a pointed look as if she was daring him to continue on with his complaints. "Firstly, this isn't an art class. Everyone in there already knows what they're doing."

"Than why are they in an art class?"

This question earned him an elbow to his side before Selena repeated, "it is not an art class. It's more like an art center where people with artistic talents come in and create... well, art."

Justin gasped dramatically with a hand to his chest. "Oh no, really? I wouldn't have guessed that."

The Latina rolled her eyes as she continued her walk towards the building, Justin falling in right behind her.

"Stop being an ass, Justin. This is a place where many talented persons come and express themselves through their work," she explained.

"But you're not talented so why are you here?"

It was clearly a lie, they both knew how talented she was but this didn't stop Selena from glaring at him for what must've been the twentieth time in the thirty minutes they've been with one another that day. "I honestly wonder why I ever decided to label you my best friend. Biggest mistake ever."

give you all that's left of me ➳ zustin a.u.Where stories live. Discover now