Chapter 1

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This is edited, so don't freak out if it is different from the last time you read it. It was so short that I had to go back and add more. Grammar was also very bad. I changed pretty much the whole chapter.


Niall's POV

You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh
That's what makes you beautiful

The music comes to an end and all us four boys look out and smile to the crowd. 

"Goodbye Amsterdam! We love you and have a great night and please get home safely!" I said to our fans as we got off of the stage, smiles still on our faces. We love our fans so much. None of this would be happening if it weren't for them. We owe everything to them and it makes me so happy when I see them happy. It's our goal to entertain and keep our fans happy. They have so much dedication. Best fandom in the world. Anyways, that was our last concert before our break, well a week break. Not much of one, but it's enough to clear our minds and just relax.

Both Lou and Li are going on a private plane together to see their families and friends for the week. I am also doing that in Ireland. I'm so excited to see my family! It has been months since I last saw them. I FaceTime my mom a lot, but it's not the same as seeing her in person. I also really miss my dad and sometimes get homesick because of it. I am not sure where Harry is going yet.

"Bye lads. Have a safe flight!" I told Lou and Li as they are getting their luggage inside the plane.

"Yeah, you too. Make sure to text us this time okay?" Liam reminded me again with a look of worry. Yeah, we once had a two week break and I guess that I forgot to text Liam or any of the boys. They all went crazy, thinking something happened to me, while I was safe in my room sleeping. I was so tried that I slept until late afternoon the next day. I would have slept longer if it weren't for three lads barging in my room looking mad as hell. I thought it was kind of funny, but they didn't seem amused.So, yeah I will definitely remember to call or text them so it doesn't happen again. I smile and tell them that I will text them as soon as the plane lands. I turn around and start walking over to Harry.

"Hey Haz! Whatcha doing for break? You never told me." I ask him as he looks  up at me with a conflicted expression.

"Hey Ni" He sighed.

"What's up with you?"

"Well, I just saw my family last week when they came to our concert and I want to do something else for the break. I'm trying to think what to do and everyone is rushing me because we have to leave soon. I don't know what to do." He sighed again. He seems really bummed out about it. I am not sure why though. I would go home and see my family every chance I got. 

"I don't know Harry," I say, thinking. What could Harry do for a week? Suddenly an idea comes to mind. "Maybe you can come back to Ireland with me! Would you like to do that?" I suggest to him, getting excited about my plan. We always have fun when we go to Ireland together. I have always felt that we were a little closer than with the other lads. I mean we still love them to death, I don't know I feel like I can be with Haz forever. 

"Yeah, I would love to if that's alright with you and your family!" He replied almost right away. His eyes lighting up with hope.

"Don't worry Haz, my whole family loves you. Sometimes I think they like you more than they do me." I chuckle at my last sentence. It's true, my whole family is in love with Harry. He's always the center of attention when he's around. 

"Okay, then lets go!" He says jumping up with excitement. I can tell he is trying to hold it in. He grabs his stuff and follows me after telling Paul his plans. We put our stuff inside. We don't have that much because its only a week. The rest of our stuff that we bring on tour is going back with Paul. He'll keep it safe with him for the week, so we don't have to bring it back and forth in case we forget something. I once forgot my picture of my family and was just i a depressed mood the whole time until Paul had us go to Ireland to get it. 

I text Liam that Harry is coming with me, so he doesn't get stress out not knowing where the boy went. Liam is always the one to worry about all of us. Aside from Paul, Liam is the most like a father when around us. He still plays games with us, but also makes sure we eat and get enough sleep. I know he'll be a good father when it comes time. It looks like there are only five of us in the plane. The pilot, co-pilot, the flight attendant lady, and Haz and I. I like it when there are less people. It helps with my anxiety. I already don't like flying and the more people makes it worse, so this is good. 

"You ready Harry?" I turn to look at him sitting across the aisle from me buckling his seat belt. Him and Liam are the only two to actually listen to what the lady has to say about the safety rules when flying. I mean it's not hard, just sit in your seat and buckled up until the buckle lights turn off.

Harry looks up at me and smiles while nodding his head yes. I can't wait to see my family and friends. It's going to be a fun week. It's even better now that one of my best friends is coming with me.


That was chapter one. Edited and made longer.


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