The sound of locks coming unlatched warmed Tyler's hands and spirits. He peeked up at the star-studded skies and gently grinned.

"Tyler. I can't say I'm surprised. It's just like you to show up at ungodly hours of the night." his tone was sarcastic and dry, but those eyes sparkled with pure bliss.

"I wish I had a better excuse," the boy started as the pink haired teacher motioned for him to come inside. His numb toes started to defrost on the wooden floors. "I'm just really really pissed right now. I gotta do something."

"Do you wanna talk about it-"

"No." Tyler cut the man off as he removed his jacket. He started moving furniture, making space in the center of Josh's living room. "Play something hip hoppy like in class." the boy demanded. Earnestly, Joshua was slightly impressed as well as aroused.

"Hip hoppy." Joshua mocked as he made his way over to his stereo, earning a daring glare from his student.

Tyler stood awkwardly on the hardwood, his stomach growling and his toes curling toward warmth.

The song started off light and airy, the spellbinding voice breaking through, full of emotion. The boy took a deep breath, reveling in the music's bass. His leg slid out from underneath him sensual and delicate, his arms and body following close behind. The pirouette was poorly done in the eyes of a professional, but Tyler felt as if he were flying.

"Point your feet!" Josh called out, but Tyler only giggled and kept along. He glided gracefully around the couches and side tables, all while allowing the music to speak to him.

Call me anxious, call me broke, but I can't lift this on my own.

He understood what that feeling was like. As if you-

The music stopped.

"You're pirouette was awful. And your feet...have I taught you nothing?"

Tyler was stunned, but not into silence. In fact, he was a bit outraged at the fact that now was the time to criticize his work when he wasn't even dancing for him.

"You really haven't. Just saying."

For once, Joshua was speechless. A wave of confidence washing over him, the brunette walked over to the pink haired instructor and ripped the remote from his grasp.


The song started over, as well as Tyler. He improvised the whole routine, barely messing up. He felt free-


"I can't watch you when you dance like that." Joshua retorted, standing next to the stereo.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to say that to my face." Tyler shot back. He was starting to feel aggravation stutter through his veins. He didn't remember the last time he got mad like this. Where he was snide and rude, red in the face. His toes curled again.

"Unless you want to teach me something, get out."


"In case you forgot, this is my house."


Tyler sighed, beyond frustrated with Joshua's childish actions. He stood with his hip jut out and his arms crossed in a snooty way while Josh settled on the green couch. The brunette threw the remote at the sofa, barely missing the side of the other man's head. The instructor raised both eyebrows while smirking, showing his pure amusement.

"I want you to start off slow, like a plié, then attitude - not like you need any more of that," Tyler looked back at Joshua, mocking his grin. "I'm just saying, jeez. Anyway just start from there and then see what else comes to mind. Adagio, okay? Slow."


The song was starting to get annoying to Tyler, hearing it over and over again. He did a plea, then did an attitude. His legs did all the work; chasse, port de bras, glissade, chasse. Ronds de jambes, grand plié , assemblé-

"Stop!" Joshua yelled. The boy jumped as the music stopped. The pink haired instructor stayed seated, crossing his legs. "Adagio, remember? Slow. Do all of that again, but this time slower." He pronounced the word as their meaning.

S-l-o-w. Tyler mimicked in his head. I'll show you slow you son of a-



Plié, attitude. Chasse, port de bras, glissade, chasse. Rond de jambes-




lol happy new year!

okok so this is gonna be broken into two parts bc yeah why not and also im sorry if ur a dancer and this seems impossible i havent been to ballet in so long so my mind is a bit rusty i looked up all the words and they seemed right, but if they're not oops oh well too bad.

this is dedicated to notakitchensinktome bc shes amazing and she has made 2016 a lil more bearable.

2016 was shit, but you guys really do know how to make a gal feel special. NightSkyTyler is also a person i gotta thank bc of the shit we accomplished this year (technically last year um) together and apart. we literally have grown so much as writers and im so glad that we got to collab together.

BUT SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU ARE THE REASON WHY I WRITE. i dont think u guys get it but im telling u every time i turn on my phone and i see that someone commented or voted or added to their library i get really excited. i write for you guys bc i want u guys to find inspiration to do whatever the hell u want to do. whether its for procrastination purposes only or whatever im really glad u guys are enjoying this fic bc i enjoy watching all the reactions unfold.

 whether its for procrastination purposes only or whatever im really glad u guys are enjoying this fic bc i enjoy watching all the reactions unfold

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


AHHH I love all of u so much I want to tag ppl but I don't want to leave anyone out. just know that if we've ever talked, I love you.

if we've never talked I love you.



*ps the video is so good like they dance so well-it kind ties into tyler's situation back home but it will also tie in to the next chapter ;)



ballerina // jøshlerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن