"We either keep our lovely child and raise her as a family, with the family, and change you when she's seventeen, or we give ... we give her up." 

The ultimatum shocked Rosalie into silence. How could her husband even think of giving her little girl up? But she saw that there was no other way for her to realistically be with him. While her daughter was absolutely her entire world, she knew that she could not give her Emmy-bear up either. Not to mention, if Rose fell ill or died in the time before the girl was of age, she'd lose her mother anyway. In Rosalie's mind, there was only one way. 

"We have to give her up."

Emmett's heart shattered. In all honesty, he believed this to be the selfish choice. He never considered for a moment that she'd choose to do this. And in his desperation, he told her so.

"Rosalie! She- How could you? How could you possibly think of abandoning this darling child? She's ours, Rose, ours! We don't get another shot at this!' 

Rosalie shook her head, tears streaking down her pale cheeks. "Emmett, I'm sorry! But if we want to be together, we must let her go!" 

"We can still be together while you're human! I don't care how old you look, I will always love you, Rosie. Please. For me. For you. For our baby." 

"We have to, Emmett."

Carlisle shook his head in disappointment. He knew the choice had been made. His family would be devastated. Emmett had gone out of his way to create the perfect princess room for his little girl. That was how it was meant to be. Emmett play wrestling with his daughter while Rosalie baked cookies for her in the kitchen. Alice dressing her in designer clothing. Jasper reading to her at night. Esme gardening with her. Edward teaching her to play the piano. Carlisle himself teaching her how to read and write. 

And now it was all falling apart. 

Emmett wished he could cry. He couldn't give up his gorgeous angel child. But Rosalie...Rosalie had a point. They could never be together publicly without questioning and accusing stares. Not to mention the effect it would have on their child...

But still. He hated this. He could feel his heart breaking. He was so angry with Rosalie for her selfishness, but knew it would not help the situation, so he sat on a nearby chair and, holding his head in his hands, having handed Rosalie the baby, said resignedly, "Okay."

Rosalie began to cry even harder than she had been before. "I love you so much, sweetheart. Maybe one day we can find you again, when I'm past my newborn stage. We will find you, baby girl. We love you." She handed her to Emmett, who held her close to him. 

"I love you so much, darling. More than anything else in the world. I want you to remember to always be strong. Always. Head up, shoulders back. I will always love you, darling. Always. Stay strong, my beautiful Bella," Emmett cooed, before giving the newly named Bella to a sad, reluctant, and unwilling Carlisle. 

"I don't approve of this, but I will support you both no matter what. Emmett...you may go ahead." With those words, Carlisle carried his granddaughter out the door to the orphanage. 

Emmett crashed to the floor on his knees, dry sobbing with heartbreaking heaves of his chest. "Bel-Bella!" he wailed into his hands. Rosalie was trying to calm him from her place on the bed, and then Emmett was by her side, soothing her. 

"We will find her, Rosalie. The second you are no longer a danger to her, we will be with her again," he promised, before giving her a loving kiss and then silently biting her neck. 


Rushing down the hallway, Carlisle could hear his daughter-in-law's screams, and covered the baby's ears. He finally made it out to his car. Juggling the steering wheel and Bella was not a difficult task for the blond vampire. 

He knew the child would need to be left anonymously, so there would be no need to reveal anything. This would mean leaving the child away from Washington. 

And so he decided on England.

This was something that took long by some standards, and short by others. Carlisle caught the red-eye to London, where he drove to the busy highway. 

He couldn't leave her anywhere else. The orphanage would need information from him, and he just couldn't do that to his family. He hated the haphazard, reckless manner in which he was doing this, but to ensure the girl's safety and his family's, this was the only way. Besides, whoever found her would most likely bring her to an orphanage anyway. People weren't cruel. She wouldn't be alone for long. He hoped. 

Stopping on the side of the strangely empty street, he pulled his beautiful granddaughter from her seat, where she slept peacefully in her bundle of blankets. He left a note stating her name and birthday, and took one last look at her. She was the spitting image of Emmett, but had Rosalie's slender frame.

"You have your father's eyes, Bella McCarty," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and finally setting her on the damp ground beside the road. He couldn't bring himself to look at her again, but he heard her high-pitched cries begin to fill the air as he drove away.

Happy Ever Afterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن