Chapter 4

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Palestar spoke first. "PineClan is thriving despite the colder temperatures. There is plenty of prey, and there haven't been any.. major.. border scuffles yet." He glanced sideways at the BeechClan leader, Frostedstar, and Starlingpaw was sure she'd imagined it, but did she see accusation in the usually kind and fair leader's eyes? Palestar's gaze flicked back from Frostedstar's and he stepped aside. Autumnstar started to move forwards, but Frostedstar quickly hurried in front of him, barging past. Starlingpaw looked at Moonpaw, worried. The BeechClan leader was getting more and more aggressive each time they saw her. Starlingpaw wondered if the blue-grey she-cat was always like that, even with her own Clanmates.

     Moonpaw glanced briefly at her, sharing the same concerned expression. "Frostedstar seems a bit..." she trailed off, seemingly unable to describe exactly what the rude she-cat was. Starlingpaw nodded, then returned her attention to the Gathering. Frostedstar had thankfully finished speaking, letting Autumnstar go next.

     "We are doing well, like PineClan. The prey is plentiful, and Cuckoopelt is expecting her kits any day now." The ginger tabby stepped back, whilst the other Clans murmured their congratulations to the BirchClan leader's expectant mate. Laurelstar said pretty much the same as all the other Clans; Starlingpaw contemplated on how well the Clans were surviving - she had heard tales from the elders, Thicktail and Creamfur, of when all the prey had gone elsewhere, and lots of cats had died of starvation.

     The Gathering ended, and the Clan cats started to share tongues again. Swanpaw and Redpaw were grooming each other, as were the two other appentices sitting near them. Starlingpaw was dragged from her thoughts like a fish out of water by a tongue rasping over her head. She looked up to see Moonpaw cleaning her fur and purred. She moved herself around so that she too could groom her friend - the rhythm of a tongue sweeping over her grey fur was sending her to sleep, and her eyelids were slowly drooping down over her dark blue eyes.

     She was teetering on the verge of sleep when she realised that Moonpaw was no longer sharing tongues with her. She also realised that the murmuring of contented cats had died down. They were all staring in the direction of the gap in the woods that led to the BirchClan camp. Against the blue-black sky, Starlingpaw could see the silhouetted form of a small cat - an apprentice.

     "Excuse me, could you move please.." Starlingpaw heard the voice of her leader, and quickly turned to see Autumnstar wading his way through the tangle of bodies. "What's going on?!" he demanded, talking to the racing shape of the apprentice hurrying towards the Gathering.

     The apprentice finally reached them, and the cats gasped and muttered to each other as the scent was recognised as BirchClan.

     "Honestly, it's just like Autumnstar to leave an apprentice behind accidentally." Starlingpaw heard a nearby warrior whisper to her companion.

     Suddenly, Starlingpaw and Moonpaw gasped as one. The brown and white tortoiseshell tom they realised was Lakepaw, one of the younger apprentices. Autumnstar strode over to the trembling tom, his expression fierce and concerned at the same time. 

     "Lakepaw," he growled. "What's going on? You're not invited to the Gathering!"

     There were more sceptical and scornful hisses and whispers throughout the group of listening cats.

     Lakepaw took a while to reply, and when he did, his eyes were wide and his breathing fast.

     "There's.. been... she's.. I was sent to find Clearstream.. I.. need..." he panted, breathless.

     "Lakepaw? What's the matter?" Starlingpaw could just about make out the shadowy shape of the pretty medicine cat pushing her way through the crowd. "What's happened, Lakepaw?"

     "It's... it's about Cuckoopelt." The young tom managed. Autumnstar's face immediately showed fear, alarm and anxiety. The leader's tail lashed with panic.

     "Has she.. are her kits?" the ginger leader didn't have to finish his sentence for Lakepaw, or the rest of the Clans to understand him.

     Lakepaw nodded. "Yes. Cuckoopelt's kits are coming!"

 The suspense!! Sorry again, it's very short, but short chapters make it exciting.. :)    Don't worry though, there's more to come!


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