-- Dreaming [1] --

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Hi! This is MJ!
Dreaming welcomes you to the first Dream entrance!

This page will function as a Q & A page!
Minus the A part because those will be in other entrances!

So I'm pretty sure people won't be flooding in to ask me questions, so I decided to open up this little corner in my Dream where you can ask questions! I'll be making more Dream entrances solely dedicated to answering them.

You can ask almost anything! About me or what I think about certain fandoms or tags or anything!
I won't promise I'll answer personal questions tho, sorry to disappoint. I may or may not leave clues to possible answers tho.

With that said, I'll see you on the nearest Dream attraction! Which is gonna be the Harry Potter Tag!

I would wanna say a nice catchphrase to close everything up but the one I came up with...was sorta rude sounding if I think about it.
It's 'Keep on Dreaming' wow. Sounds like what a jerk would say to lower the esteem of someone.

-MJ 🐾

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