Four Swords x Reader - Christmas with the Links

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Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you all enjoy this little oneshot with the Four Swords Links! ^.^ I just couldn't picture doing this with any of them missing :3 

I don't own the Legend of Zelda, You belong to whichever Link is your favorite and I don't own the cover image :3

"It's snowing!" A soft giggle follows the exclamation and a smile passes over my face, despite the sound waking me up, and I glance out the window, watching the soft flurries falling outside.

I hear a soft groan, likely from Vio, and I giggle in response, knowing he doesn't take too well to being woken up like this. I doubt Green even woke up in the first place and Shadow is likely seething quietly in anger as he, too, doesn't like being woken up like this. That just leaves --


-- Blue. I hear a soft 'aww' from Red following the angered voice from the blue-clad Link and I smile at the sound, giggling a bit in response to the mental image of the pout that Red is likely wearing right now. I just glance over at the clock and smile a bit when I see it's six in the morning. No wonder everyone is upset that he's woken them up...

I don't really mind as I'm used to being woken up by the red-clad Link and it doesn't really bother me anymore. I just snuggle back into bed and fall asleep easily enough, knowing that this is what everyone else is doing.

Besides, it's not like I'll be allowed to sleep in, especially not today. I don't doubt that Red'll come wake me up in a few hours for breakfast and presents~

Just as I expected, a few hours pass before I feel someone shake me softly, hearing them repeat my name until I open my eyes. I'm met instantly with the color red and I smile, "Good morning, Red~" I say softly and he gives a soft giggle in response.

"Good morning, (Y/n)! It's snowing~" His eyes light up with excitement and I can't help but smile at him. He's just so cute~

"I heard~" I say in response before stretching a bit and sitting up, "Merry Christmas, Red~"

A wide grin appears on his face and his eyes being to sparkle happily, "Merry Christmas, (Y/n)~"

I return the grin when I remember that he was telling me the other day that what he wanted most was a white Christmas this year and it seems that his wish has been granted~ No wonder he was so excited this morning~

His eyes widen before he grabs my hand, tugging me out of bed and I just chuckle in response, "I forgot! I was supposed to bring you downstairs!" I giggle and ruffle his hair, only serving to make it messier as it's still bedridden.

"Okay~ Tell the others I'm coming in just a minute." He nods and darts off, causing me to smile at his energy. I don't know where he gets it all but it's certainly cute~

I get ready quickly after that as I don't want to leave them waiting too long, though I don't have to do much as we all prefer staying in our pajamas until after presents on Christmas. When I'm ready, I head downstairs and my eyes begin to sparkle at the sight of the Christmas tree that all six of us decorated together. There are presents piled high under it and I smile at the mental picture of how happy everyone is going to be opening their presents~

The smell of breakfast hits my nose then and I hum softly in response, a grin spreading across my face as I head to the dining room. My mouth waters at the sight of the breakfast and I slide into my (f/c) chair, grinning at the others.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/n)~" They all say and I smile before returning it with just as much happiness. They smile at me before we all begin to eat, small conversations springing up as we do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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