Chapter 2

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5 years after the last chapter.....
       "Tsubasa! I'm here" Akari said. She's now 18 turning 19. Tsubasa opened his door to let his gorgeous girlfriend in.
"Akari! You get more beautiful by the second." He said.  Akari smiled.
       "And you get more handsome by the second." She said. Tsubasa smiled. Akari's hair had grown very long in the past 5 years and it reached her hips. Tsubasa had the same hairstyle as he always did. Akari sat on the couch as Tsubasa brought some strawberry shortcakes and wine over. Sena poured them each a glass and they did a cheers to our 5th Christmas with each other. The evening was great. They laughed at stupid jokes as they were getting drunk, they kissed under the mistletoe, and they played truth or dare.
When it was finally time for the Christmas presents, Akari was the first to give hers to Tsubasa. Akari got him an expensive watch. However, what Tsubasa got her was the most life changing, beautiful, most wonderful present in her life. Akari sat there on the couch as Tsubasa purposely took a bit longer to fetch her presents to add more suspense. When he came back, he started with a bouquet of roses. He had great timing too. Right as he came out, the background music in his house changed to "I wouldn't mind" by he is we.

"Akari, since you're turning 19 in a few months, and here in Japan it's not way too early, I have something for you." He said handing her the bouquet. The next thing she knew, he pulled a small black satin box out of his pocket.
"We've been together for over 5 years now. Akari, I've decided that i want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have been special to me from the second I met you. I just love how you're so motivated, inspirational, and sweet as sugar." He stated. Akari blushed as she held her hands over her heart.
Tsubasa opened the box to reveal a 18 karat platinum ring with a diamond heart in it.
"Will you marry me?" He asked. Akari was beyond happy. She felt more alive than she ever did in her life. Speechlessly, she nodded. Tsubasa smiled and placed the ring in her finger. Akari pulled him into a hug.
"I love you, Tsubasa" she said happily. He smiled.
"I love you too."

(Aikatsu) Sena x Akari Christmas Where stories live. Discover now