Guide Me: Four Years Ago part 2

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I was in complete awe as I stood by the limo, staring up at the castle like home. Riza rolled her eyes in annoyance as she strides past me to the large front double wooden doors. Mizu sighed and turned to me.

"Let's get you settled in before I explain everything, hm?" she said as the driver took my bag in. I simply nodded, still unsure of what exactly was going on.

Mizu had lead me inside. Each room or hallway we pass had people in it, all staring at me as I followed right behind Mizu.

You know how every house or building had a scent to it? Well this place had one too but for some reason it made me alert and edgy. The building had a scent to it but each person we walked by had their own scent as well, sometimes even sharing the same scent with someone else.


Mizu stopped in front of a brown beautiful door, "this will be your room, Okami." She smiled while opening the door.

Wow..this room is big enough for like 15 people!

I entered the room, craning my neck looking at all the furniture. At the orphanage I had an twin size bed but the bed in this room was a queen size. I turned back to Mizu.

"Th-this is room?" I asked still disbelief.

Mizu let out a soft chuckle, "Yes, unless you don't like it. We can always get you a bigger one."

"Bigger one?!" my jaw dropped, "there's bigger rooms than this?" Mizu burst into laughter at my reaction. I blushed and frowned realising I was being teased.

After claiming down, Mizu smiled, "How about you get settled and I'll return in a few minutes to take you to the dinning hall."

My cheeks still were a little flushed as I nodded. Mizu gently shut the door. I placed down my old faded brown bag down and made my way to the big bed. I sat down, once again looking around the room.

She keeps calling me 'Okami'..and what is it with this place that makes me nervous?

I laid back against the soft cool blanket. I didn't notice that my eyes were slowly starting into shut. My breath went slow and even.

A little nap before dinner wouldn't hurt right?

I thought to myself as I was already drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

Guide MeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя