"yeah Angie I can you can go" she said

After she said that I went to labs in a rush

Violetta's P.O.V

Angie had some sort of emergency and had to go somewhere so I have to walk home after some time I arrived home when I entered the house my dad saw me

"hey sweetheart where's Angie?" He asked

"she had some sort of emergency and had to go somewhere so I walked here " I told him

"you should have called me I could have gone for you" he said

"dad its not that big of a deal Angie and me were walking here when she got a phone call and had to leave it was only 2 blocks" I said 

"still" he asks sometimes he treats me like a baby

"dad I'm not a little girl anymore" I said

"yes you are" he said

"if mom was still alive you wouldn't be like this" I yelled at him almost in tears 

"sweetheart is something wrong?" He asked

"no I just miss mom" I said

"oh sweetie" he said

"I fell like Angie is replacing her with Alex and you with Esmeralda" I said

"Sweetie  Angie and Alex are sisters just like your mom and her and Esmeralda will  never replace your mom in my heart or yours either" he said

"thanks dad I needed that" I said

"Theirs nothing to be thankful for I'm your dad and when you need me I'll be there  for you" he said

Barry's P.O.V.

I called Angie to come because we are getting some type of power from one building and it can be a meta human trying to do something bad and I may need her help
After some minutes she arrived

"what's wrong?" She asked

"There's some power coming from that building but not like any other power its to strong to be a machine it must be a meta human." Cisco said

"what am I supposed to do" she said

"will you help me kick some ass" I asked

"I don't think I'm ready for this Barry" she said 

"you're more than ready Angie I believe in you" I said

"I don't know" she said

"we can do this and its a great to show of your suit and be SUPERGIRL" I said trying to convince her

"oh wow not gonna happen" she said 

"please we're  losing time please I need you" I said begging

"okay but" she said

"but nothing you said yes already let's go" I said

"okay then" she said a bit nervous

   Time Skip

After we finshed kicking some meta human ass we came back to Star labs it was so much fun kicking butt with my best friend

"OKAY THAT WAS FUNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" She said

"I told you" I said

"yeah I should've done this a long time ago" she said

"okay" I said

"I have to go home I promised my niece we were gonna watch a movie together" she said

"okay go but were gonna celebrate later okay" I said

"k. " She said and kissed me on the check and left

Angie's P.O.V

After some seconds I arrived home I used my flying ability I missed using my powers so much I forgot how fun it was when I entered the house I ranned into Herman

"so were where you?" Asked German

"I had an emergency" I said

"oh but do you know what's wrong with Violetta" he asked

"maybe I think she misses her mom I don't blame her I miss her to I wish she was still alive I need her more than ever sorry we were not talking about me" I said

"no its okay I miss maria to" he said

"yeah😞 anyways me and Violetta were gonna go watch a movie if that's okay I promised her before I had that emergency " I said

"yeah its fine to get her mind off Maria for a while" he said

"OH MY GOD!!!" Said violetta

German and I heard Violetta scream so we rushed to the living room where  I was on TV. I mean Supergirl was with the flash

"There's a new super hero and its a girl" she said very excited

"yeah wow I think the flash has some competition" said German 

"I don't think the flash has competition maybe there  partners" i said

"maybe" she said

I got text message from Barry at that time

It said

Dear Angle,

Did you see the TV. News isn't great there calling you by your name they just thought of it because of the man of steel but if they new you actually go by that they'll  freak  out, but I'm still better than you way better you need mor pratice blondy 😂

Love Barry

Dear Barry ,

You wish you were better than me your only power is super speed I can fly and you can't and I think your right they would freak out if they found out my superhero name was actually that but I don't like what their saying about me and you that we are competition but I guess it's okay for now. 😈

Love Angle 😇

"Angie who are you texting" asked violetta

"oh just Barry that's it" I said

"oh the hottie " she said

"VIOLETTA!!!" I said

"sorry but do you think superman and Supergirl are related?" She asked

"they could be" I said

"so are we gonna go see a movie?" She asked 

"yes let's go" I said

There's that chapter I hope you like it and I wish you all a great Christmas 💜 thanks for reading

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