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Author's Note:

I saw a headcanon about this and I thought I would write it! Hope you guys enjoy it!


Exams had ended and everyone at Hogwarts was ready to go home for Christmas. As a last hoorah, the eighth years all decided to throw a Christmas party in the Gryffindor commons room. Everyone from the likes of newly-hunked Neville Longbottom to overly studious Hermione Granger were going to be there, and Draco wasn't going to miss it for the world. While Draco wasn't infatuated with Hogwarts as everyone else seemed to be, Christmas at Malfoy Manor wasn't that pleasant either, for obvious reasons.

Draco walked into the all familiar commons room taken aback. What he thought would be a tame Hufflepuff-esque gathering was full on Slytherin mayhem. He spotted Crabbe and Goyle out of the corner of his eye, but decided against speaking to them. Frankly, they were a pain in the ass. He found himself growing apart from his past friends, and as his time at Hogwarts was coming to an end, he wondered what his life would be like afterword. His eyes wandered to Harry's crowd and he thought of the day they first met and how his bitchy attitude when he was 11 had lost him eight years of friendship.

Hermione sat in Ron's lap casually, not causing much of a commotion. Neville and Luna were happily chatting away, Luna dressed as if she was going on some type of cosmic adventure. Harry, while happily engaged in the conversation, looked detached. Draco gazed into his effervescent green eyes, becoming entranced, before realizing he was blocking the way to the drinks, and he was being quite creepy. As Draco started towards the door, a hand reached out towards him.

"Hey! What are you up to this Christmas?" Harry asked, with a grin on his face.

Draco was taken aback, not only with the physical contact from the "chosen one", but Harry actually inquiring about his life.

"Uh, nothing much, just with the parents," Draco replied, scratching his head, "what about you?"

"Oh you know," Harry said with a lilt.

"I know?" Draco said, with a smirk.

He continued, "-Just going to the Weasley's."

Draco nodded his head, "Well, Merry Christmas, Potter, see you next year."

Harry began to walk back to his corner, "Likewise Mal-"

His feet were practically planted to the floor.

"That's peculiar," Draco thought.

He tried once again, same result. Glued to the spot.

Draco could hear whispers and giggles coming the Slytherins.

"What's so funny?" Draco hissed at his fellow housemates.

Pansy tried to speak, but kept hysterically laughing everytime she tried to say something.

"Spit it out!" Draco yelled accidentally.

"Look up, Malfoy!" Blaise told him.

Harry and Draco both looked up. While Draco's eyes immediately grew wide and started to visibly panic, Harry just look bewildered.

"Is that..mistletoe? What's the big deal?" he asked, trying to move his feet.

Hermione chimed in embarrassingly, but also pridefully, "It's enchanted mistletoe. If one of the people caught under the mistletoe likes the other, they're stuck until they kiss."

"Yeah, so fess up and start smooching!" Ron yelled, prompting the Slytherins to burst out laughing again.

Harry laughed uncomfortably, ruffling his hair slightly, and looking up at Draco.

"Want to explain?" Harry said, blushing.

Draco was bright red by now and fumbling his hands, "I mean, I may have like, a tiny crush on you?"

"Tiny?!" The slytherins yelled collectively.

Pansy and Blaise thus began to imitate Draco, "Did you see Potter today? With his stupidly perfect hair? And his dreamy eyes? And his tone-"

"HEY!" Draco yelled.

Harry didn't look pissed off to Draco's surprise, but legitimately flattered.

"Draco," he said, trying to get his attention, "why didn't you just tell me?"

Then, Draco couldn't believe his eyes (and his lips). Harry kissed him. And not just a peck, but grabbed his arm, hands holding his face. He tasted of peppermint and absolute magic. He felt like melting, it was almost too perfect. Well, except the 50 other people watching them like hawks. He could have stood there all day, if it wasn't till he realized people were starting to get uncomfortable, and the two boys pulled away.

Harry looked up at Draco, trying to suppress a grin, "Want to get out of here?"

He wanted to jump up and down and scream, but he managed a sly nod, and they left the mistletoe.

Well, not before he could flip off his friends.


Merry Christmas!

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