
"This is not a fucking joke. Unless you want  me to cut off your fucking neck stop laughing." I threaten. Not one person, wolf or human, is allowed to laugh at this bit of the movie.

He carries on laughing.

I slap his arm, hard.
He stops laughing.

"Owwww! That hurt!" He wines.

"Don't disagree with me and we are on good terms." I reply and watch the rest of the film.


"Brynn come here. Quickly" my sister pulls my arm.

I huff and follow her to a room. It had a small table with two chairs and objects are laid out on the table.
"What's all of this for?" I ask.

"We are gonna see what powers you have" she says.
I shrug. I do actually want to know what I can do with these powers.

"First let's do that floaty thing" she says. I put my hand out towards a big book and it floats in the air. It feels like all the air is slipping out of my body.
I hear a sudden clap and it falls onto the table. I turn to look at Amber.

"I was about to put it on a shelf but you stopped my concentration." I gasp for breath and fall to the ground.

Suddenly Amber is next to me and she helps me to a seat.
"What happened."

"I think I held my breath because of my anxiety." I say.
She nods slowly. I stand up after a few seconds.

"Are you sure that you want to continue" she asks me.

"You sound like I'm going to go through a big battle or something but yes, I shall continue." I reply.

"Let's see. Hmm. Try teleporting" she suggests.
I shrug but close my eyes, thinking of being next to the window.
I open my eyes and the window is directly infront of me.

"Wow" she says
"Next one" she says.

"How many are there? I can't think of anything else." I say.

"One more" she says. I huff but nod. "Read my mind." She says.

"What" I say. "This is not some super person movie"

"Still. It would be cool." She says.
I just shrug it off and I look into her eyes.

"Wait a minute" she says and puts her wall up so that I don't cheat.
"Done. Now carry on" she says.

I look at her eyes and concentrate.

I want to have some donuts.

"Really. Go get donuts from the kitchen." I reply acne if she said nothing.

"So you can read my mind." She asks and I reply with a short yes.

"Now let's go to the kitchen" she says and I laugh.
We head down the stairs and enter the kitchen. I pause her at the door and she gives me a questioning look.
I focus on the door of the fridge and it swings open. Then a box of 12 donuts floats towards and onto the table.
I stop my concentration and a wave of nausea goes through me.

"Here" she says and helps me to a seat.

She is about to take out the donuts out of the cardboard box when she suddenly pulls it away.
"Aaah cardboard cut. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch." She says and I go to her.

"Come here big baby" I say and she puts out her thumb.
I put my hand around her thumb to apply pressure.

Tip: if any part of your body is bleeding because of a cut or something, apply pressure on it so that it can stop from bleeding too much.

I then get a plaster and pull my hand away from hers and open the plaster packet.

"Wait. My cut" Amber says and motions to her thumb.
I look and there's nothing there.
I gasp.

"You can heal too" she says. "Awesome"
I just smile at her and put the plaster away.

"What's the time?" I ask her.

"5:17" she replies.

"Lest have a movie marathon." I say and she nods.
We get popcorn and donuts and bring them up to my room. We then open Netflix and look through the Disney movies. We then decide on

Suddenly Ryan opens the door and stares at our food.

"My donuts" Amber says protectively, bringing the donuts closer to her.

"Come and join us" I say and he sits next to me.

"What we watching?" He asks.

"Moana" I reply and start the film.


There is a big mountain full of water that seems to flow out of a hole near the bottom. It goes on and on. Suddenly a few rocks fall into the stream. The water pushes it away and the water returns to normal. I look at the water and I have realised that some of the water has disappeared.

I sit up and look around my room. Amber and I are lying on the floor while food is infront of us.
Memories of yesterday come back.
I think of the dream and I realise what it means.

I wake Amber up.

"The more I heal, the more I die."


Hey guys!
I have 9k veiws on this book!!!!!
I am so happy and grateful so thank you guys so so so so so much!!

So, the more she heals the more she dies. She can also make things levitate and can teleport herself.
What do you think?

Question of the chapter:
What does she mean exactly by 'the more I heal, the more I die'??

Anyways, thanks again and bye!!


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