Armadillo's Kisses

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Armadillo only kisses me

when there is a full moon

or when it rains.

Sometimes we lay in bed

and stare at the ceiling’s lamp.

Sometimes Armadillo

gives me a back rub.

He places his bony fingers

around my neck and massages

away the day’s thoughts.

Sometimes Armadillo

puts his mouth near my ear

and whispers a poem he

wrote on a napkin during lunch.

Besides these rare occasions

we hardly ever touch.

We watch reruns of

Alias Smith and Jones instead.

We have a debate as to

why the main character

was murdered by his girlfriend.

Sometimes Armadillo comes up

with a better answer than mine.

Sometimes I win the debate.

Sometimes we discuss

who was scarier Bella Lugosi

or Boris Karloff?

Sometimes I make Armadillo dinner.

His favorite is shellfish although

I must be very careful never

to serve him snails al ajillo

because snails remind him of his first love.

Tonight there will be a full moon

and the weather channel is predicting rain.

Tonight Armadillo

will put his boney fingers

around my neck and place

his other boney hand in the small

of my back and lean down

and kiss me first softly

and then with emotion

as if he has never kissed

me under the full moon

or rain before and

I will pull him close to me

so I can feel everything that is hard

about Armadillo as if life

were not hard enough. 

For Love of an Armadilloحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن