Terra drags you along in the mysterious ship.
"Where are we going?" You ask.
"Quite! I did not-" Terra hissed.
"Is there any food here?" You ask again.
"Sh-" Terra begins
"Why am I here!?" You ask once again.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Terra turns and glares at you.
You glare back and turn your head. You continue to walk until you reach the end of the hall, and come to a huge door.
Terra turned to you, and pushed you into the large door. 
"Hey!" You shout, and fall into the room.   "Damn it. First they hurt my friends, now I'm being taking as a hostage!? What the hell." You shout, slamming your fist on the ground. 
"Hello, (Y/n)!" A deep, but mysterious voice said from behind you. You turned your head around and see a very tall robot with a sun on his helmet, with armour of blue and white.
"And you are!?" You grumble, turning around.
"Sunstar.The leader and Captain of this ship."
"Oh boy..The leader how wonderful." You say sarcastically.
"Watch it missy. I won't hesitate to order my men to kill your friends." Sunsar threatened, glaring at you.
"Fine..Fine. What do you want this me?" You sigh.

"Well is just going to have to tell you the whole story then, won't I?" A small smile appeared on Sunstar's face.

Oh boy, wonder what the story is...

"It all started when We came across the planet known as Earth..." He began, as you listened intently.

"What planet is that? Are we going to destroy it?" Jupiter asked, with a slight head tilt.

"That is earth, and we are going to destroy the filthy creatures that walk upon it." Terra replied, crushing the pointer in his hand.

"Why are they filthy? They don't bath?" Venus asked, scratching his head.

"No! They are polluting the wonderful planet with their rotten waste materials! The skys used to be so blue and are now a full gray. The green grass is now a crispy yellow. We need to kill off those damned creatures!" Terra shouts, while everyone is confused.

"Well it is just one planet. It's not like they can go into space." Mars replies.

They all hear a noise and see a man standing outside of their ship (or floating?)

"See they're going to ruin other planets too! Those creatures need to be taught a lesson! What do you think Sunstar?"

Sunstar opening his eyes and looked at Terra. "Well it doesn't seem like a bad idea. I say we should. We can't have other creatures coming after us."

Everyone clapped and went along with Terra's idea.

Uranus wa so happy that he accidentally knocked into the computer tablet, zooming in on a girl.

"Whoa! Look at those creatures!" Venus exclaimed.

Everyone else was silent. The girl was just walking toward a castle, that looked like a skull.

"Who is she..Terra?" Jupiter asked, starting with interest.

"She's a creature deemed human." Terra replied. "One of the foul creatures that must be destroyed!!!"

"We shall make our move tomorrow so everyone use tonight to prepare for war!"

"WAIT!" You say interupping the story. "Are you saying that your planning to destory earth!? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ME!?


You glared at him, but stayed silent

"*Ahem* Now then... "

I was sitting in Terra's office, just looking out the window of our ship.

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