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                I grip the frozen railing tighter, watching the water below glimmer under the moonlight. It's amazing how such a tragedy can also be so beautiful. I want to look like an angel falling from the sky. Not ill, but just lost.

                I take one foot off and hang it over the water, wanting the guts so badly to jump and drown in the icy water. Letting my worthless life finally end.

                I let one hand go and turn so I'm facing the bridge. When I jump I want to look peaceful. Like I'm not running from something. Like it's meant to be.

                My hair whips my face wildly and my hands begin slipping on the icy railing. Just let go. All your problems will be gone and you'll be happy. Your brothers will be happy. Everyone will be happy.

                My phone begins ringing from my bag on the other side of the railing and I close my eyes, listening to the music as I plan on letting go. Something stops my urges. I'm not quite sure, but something always stops me from killing myself. Whether it's my phone ringing or a stranger smiling at me, something always stops me and I never know if it's a good thing or bad.

                I sigh, taking in the heavy cold air and letting it out, my breath freezing in midair. I reluctantly climb over the railing like I have so many times before and pick up my bag, pulling out my phone and answering it.


                "Abigail, you should have been home hours ago. Where are you?"

                I pause, looking down at the beautiful river that was almost my coffin. "On the bridge."

                He sucks in some air through the phone and I wince, sliding down the railing and onto the cold ground. "Don't move, Abby."

                He hangs up the phone and I close it, shoving it back into my bag before stretching out my bare legs, looking down at the disgusting logs they are. I need to lose more weight. After ten minutes of me being forced to stare at my gigantic thighs, a rusty old truck pulls up with the brakes squealing, the headlights blinding me and keeping me planted to my seat.


                My oldest brother runs towards me, kneeling down and grabbing me in a hug, not letting go until we get to the truck. He buckles me in and gets back in the driver's seat, doing an illegal U-turn towards our house. Neither of us say a word.

AbigailWhere stories live. Discover now