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As salamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu.

■ Sit and eat on the floor.
■Spread out a cloth on the floor first before eating.
■Wash both hands upto the wrist.
■Recite 'Bismillahi wa'ala Barkatillah' aloud before eating.
■Eat with the right hand.
■Start with the side which is in front of you.
■If a morsel of food falls down,pick it up,clean it ,and eat it.
■Eat with three fingers if possible.
■Do not blow on the food.
■One should not eat very hot food.
■Do not find fault with the food.
■When eating ,sit with either both knees on the ground or one knee raised or both knees raised
■Clean the plate ant other utensils thoroughly after eating.
■By doing this, the utensils make dua for ones forgiveness.
■Recite dua after eating.
■After eating one should lick his fingers.
■After eating wash both the hands.

Very easy sunnah to follow ...😊Alhmdulillah ...Our deen is very easy ... Dont think that any thing is difficult in Islam ..When you place your trust in Allah ..everything will become easy In shaa allah ..😊

Pray for Ummah 👍


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