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As salamu alaykum.

Todays hadith is on medicine....

Usamah bin Sharik said: "Some Bedouins asked: ' O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) shall we treat (our ill)?' He said: 'Yes, O worshipers of Allah! Use remedies. For indeed Allah did not make a disease but He made a cure for it' - or - 'a remedy. Except for one disease. 'They said:'O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w)! What is it? ' He said:'Old age."'(Sahih)

                (Jami At-Tirmidhi)

So always have hope and faith in Allah(s

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So always have hope and faith in Allah(s.w.t)....indeed Allah doesnot burden a soul beyond that it can bear....even if it is a dangerous situation(disease) who knows Allah may provide its easiest cure....So put your trust in Him always....indeed he is the most Merciful.

Guys in shaa allah I will b updating twice a week....Jazakallah khair for the beautiful comments and votes and do share this beautiful hadiths with your family and friends.....

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