Izzie was glad of that. It had never been his fault; she had gone into the fight knowing exactly what was going to happen.

She was just happy that she hadn’t met the prince in the afterlife because if she had she might just have been the first person to kill in heaven.


Iagan and Izzie turned and looked down the hill to where Jarred and Dermot were waving Drystan down.

Izzie smiled at seeing her old friends again; she had checked in with them every so often. Iagan had spared Dermot an arrow to the shoulder in his last battle.

Little things like a slight change of wind was all that Izzie and Iagan could effect now. But it was enough.

It’s time, Drystan.” Jarred stopped beside Dermot; their eyes sinking in the gravestones and where they looked out over her old village.

“The wedding!” Izzie gasped as she remembered why they were here; she had been looking forward to this ever since she had read the announcement.

Izzie had been begging Drystan to attend so she could go with him; she would never leave his side.


* * *

The entire kingdom was in uproar as everyone prepared for the King’s wedding day.

“Whoa,” Jarred swiftly ducked as a servant of the King lifted a ladder on his shoulder and swung it around at head level, “Everyone’s gone insane,” Jarred watched the servant totter off.

“It’s a wedding,” Dermot chuckled as he snatched an apple from a basket on the buffet table and sunk his teeth into its juicy centre, "Plus, the plague has gone. People need a bit of happiness again,"

“Well, remind me never to get married,” Jarred grumbled as he squeezed himself through a crowd.

Drystan laughed as they made it to the front steps, “But you’re not a king so I don’t think you have anything to worry about,”

“Thomas!” Dermot threw the apple away and hurried up the steps as they saw their old friend, the monk.

Drystan grasped Thomas by the hand in greeting; Thomas had grown up a lot. His figure was fuller but that might have been all the courtly food he was consuming, and his face had filled out until he looked rather pleasing to the eye.

“How’s the religion going?” Jarred leant against the wall, his eyes watching a lovely maid as she sauntered passed.

Drystan shook his head at his friend.

“Unwavering,” Thomas smiled, growing more comfortable in his skin, “Now come on, let me show you to your rooms so you can get changed,”

“Changed?” Drystan frowned but Thomas was already halfway down the hall so they had little option but to follow him.


“Izzie!” Iagan hissed as he remained outside in the hallway but Izzie liked her view inside Drystan’s room too much to move.

She might be dead but it didn’t mean she was blind.

“Izzie!” Iagan snapped again in that thick Northern accent she had had to live with for the past three years.

“There’s the Iagan I know,” Izzie chuckled as she leant against the wall, her eyes glued to Drystan’s impressive torso before he untied his trousers and stripped nude in front of her.

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