“So you kicked his ass?”

“You could say that I guess”

“You guess”

“I didn’t really touch him. I just grabbed his arm and almost broke it if I went a centimeter more but other than that...”

“Holy shit that’s awesome!”

I raise my eyebrow at him as I park the car.

“That’s awesome?”

“Well yeah it is. Can I come inside or are you going to be busy?”

I nod “You could come in I don’t mind”

After grabbing our stuff we were walking to my door. Well me walking and Niall limping.

We walk in and I take off my shoes.

“Shoes off”

He take off his own shoes and sets his bag on the floor and follows me up the stairs. I open my door and turn on the light. I hear a whistle behind me.

“Dam. Do you have OCD or something?”

“What? Why?”

“Because this room is immaculate compared to mine”

“It’s not immaculate it’s messy actually”

It is there is some clothes on the floor and books.

I look at Niall and see he is glaring at me. I give him a glare back and we both shrug as we head down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Want something to drink?”


I shake a water and he nods and I toss it to him. I open mine and take a drink.

“So you and Louis?” he deadpans

I feel the water go down the wrong pipe and not the right one. I start choking and hitting my chest. My eyes water and I continue to cough for a minute until I stop.

“What?” I say while my voice sounds raw and scratchy.

“You heard me” he says with a shit eating grin.

I blink a couple of times until I respond.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I say innocently

He snorts “Please. Everyone can see you guys giving heart eyes at each other.”

I roll my eyes to give off as I don’t care but the heat in my cheeks gives it away. Dammit body work with me here.

He raises his eyebrow and I huff and slump down onto the island.

“Okay I’m smitten now layoff” I say while walking into the living room.

I hear him laugh and he flops down beside me while taking the remote from my hand and starts flipping through the channels.



I roll my eyes as I get comfortable and see what he is putting on.

“So Louis is going to drop the bomb today” he says

“What?” I squeak.

What bomb?

“What is he dropping?

He gives me a look that says it obvious and I give him a look that says to tell me.

He sighs “I shouldn’t have said anything. Anyway need to get home my mum wants me to take her to the store.” He gets up and leaves me sitting there without tell me.

The Two Of Us (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now