Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey you guys, I know there is only a few of you but thanks for the reads. Don't forget to share this book, if you want, and comment and if you like it.. vote! I made the somewhat decent artwork up above of Chiron. Remember that I have entered the book and fan art in the Fanfiction Awards. Love ya'll, and enjoy!

China's point of view

After breakfast, Chiron takes me to the main camp house. He let me ride on his back while he galloped all the way there. Well, it actually wasn't that far, but still. "Here we are", he says kneeling down so that I could get off. I back up so that I can see him a little better. "Ok. Usually new campers go to Cabin 11 until they are determined. Some stay there if Hermes is their father", he begins to tell me, "But sense you were brought here by one of the Big Three, we might have to put you in a safer place. Perhaps in the Posiden cabin. There is a chance that he is your father after all." I nod and follow him inside the camp house. 

Inside, my stuff, just a pair of extra clothes and bracelet from someone named Hades, is next to a huge  fireplace. The bottom floor consisted of a bathroom, living room, kitchen, a dining room, and three bedrooms. That was just the bottom floor. I quickly grabbed my stuff and carried it over to the door. "Chiron! I'm ready", I called to him. He gallops out of the kitchen with a bag of potato chips. "OK. Let's go.", he says motioning for me to exit.

I walk out of the camp house and follow him to the Posiden cabin. I don't know what I am doing here to be honest. I don't know who Posiden or Hermes are. I don't know who the big three are. Why any of them would be my parents. How Chiron is half-horse. I just don't get it. Maybe I will find out soon. Maybe I can ask Chiron before he leaves me with some kids I don't know. Or maybe, I will just have to figure it out.

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