Mate'S // Witch Twins X Reader

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(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair colour
(H/L) - hair length
(F/C) - favourite colour

(More will be added later on)

Your P.O.V.

I now look 10, it's been about 2-3 weeks since the incident. Still no one knows how I got the gash across my stomach, this resulted in either one or both of the twins at my side at all times. Like right now I'm eating and Alec's just watching me whilst we talk.

"Alec I'm bored" I say after finishing my food. He smiled at me brushing a strand of my (H/C) out of my face.

"Well. There is a ball Aro's planning..." he didn't get to finish. "WHAT?! REALLY!! Can I help please?" I said putting my hands together in a pleading manner and giving him a look he can never resist from me. The puppy eyes. I also pouted for extra effects.

He took in a big breath he didn't need whilst shooting me a glare. "Fine" he finally said when he realised he I would stop. I squealed before wrapping my arms around Alec's neck, hugging him. I heard him chuckle before he hugged me back, picking me up in the process.

"Let's go then" Alec said walking towards the throne room. When we entered, the throne room was already fully decorated. At that I pouted. Alec set me down and just watched me wander around the throne room.

Aww. They already did every thing. Now I can't hel.. YES I CAN. I screamed in my head. I ran up to uncle Aro. (Yes I'm allowed to call him that. I also call Marcus and Caius uncles.)

When uncle Aro noticed me he smiled. More. "Ah, young (Y/N). What may I do for you?" He asked. I told him my idea and he was ok with it. I smiled before running out of the throne room surprisingly now being spotted by Alec or Jane who was also in there. I'm glad I wasn't seen leaving because I want this to be a surprise.

I ran to the guards rooms, the first door being Demetri's. I walked into his room and thought about what I was going to make his suit out of.

I decided on stone. After I got some stone from somewhere (The stone floor under his bed? Yep) I used my powers to make it into the shape of a suit before materialising it into a really grey suit. I smiled at my work before exiting his room leaving the suit on the bed.

I walked across the hall into Felix's room, deciding to do his suit out of stone to. This time in needed a tiny bit more stone which once again came from under the bed. I left his room before going to the next, Heidi's.

I decided to make Heidi's out of fire. Mainly because I noticed when she brings tourists in she's usually wearing red. So when I shaped the fire in to a dress I made it tight around the stomach area with it going down to where her feet would be and made it flow behind her so when she's wearing it the back should drag along the floor. I also added a golden belt because I thought it looked nice.

For Jane's, Alec's and mine I decided to do them out of ice. Jane's was first. When it materialised it was just like I wanted it. A light blue strapless dress that was kind of puffy on the waist and down but not too puffy. It was fairly short as it only went down to where here knees would be with white lace patterns covering whole top half of the dress and a little Bit of the bottom.

For Alec I did after the ice turned to fabric it looked like a normal light blue suit with a tie to match.

Now mine. Mine was just a simple blue kids dress with a simple blue belt made from ribbon with a flower made from the same fabric as the top part of the dress.

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