This Exact Moment - (Secret Santa Imagine for Marley)

Start from the beginning

Isaac sighed as he placed her on the floor. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she naturally wrapped her fingers on his biceps. "That's why you have me, your strikingly, handsome six foot, two inches tall boyfriend."

"What ever would I do without my knight in shining armor?" She sassed.

Isaac's lips formed a smirk. "Joke all you want, but I'm serious, darling. Next time you can't reach something, call me and I'll be more than happy to help you." He pecked her nose.

"But sometimes you're not always here. What am I supposed to do? Wait until you get home?"

"Yes," he said quickly.

Marley sighed in defeat, knowing there was no way in hell she was going to win this argument. Isaac has always been protective and caring when it came to her safety.

"Fineeee," she whined, before her lips turned into a smirk. "But I got the job done."

Isaac's eyebrows furrowed together confused. Marley pointed her index finger up, causing Isaac to look up. A mistletoe with a red ribbon hung perfectly in the middle of the archway. Marley saw Isaac's lips turn into that devilish smirk she loved so much and made her weak in the knees.

He looked down at her with a spark in his eyes, "I believe its tradition to kiss whoever is with me under the mistletoe, right?" He asked as he tightened his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest.

She playfully smacked his chest. "You're only allowed to kiss me."

"Well, in that case, I'll be sure to put one in every room," he smiled before leaning down to capture her lips in his for a tender yet deep, passionate kiss.

She pulled back with a playful smile. "And why would we want one in every room?" She teased, already knowing what his answer would be.

"So I can kiss you all the time," he pecked her lips, then her cheek, under her jaw, before ending his trail of kisses on her neck. He buried his face in her neck, making her giggle as his nose brushed against her skin.

"Come on," she pulled back, causing Isaac to whine. "We're not done yet."

Isaac sighed, "Okay, fine, but afterwards can we be lazy bums on the couch?"

She hummed a yes as she walked over to one of their storage boxes and pulled out some garland. "We can even watch all your favorite Christmas movies."

"Sweeeeet," Isaac cheered as he grabbed the other end of the garland.

Together in a comfortable silence, they wrapped the garlands around the mantel of their fireplace. Next, Isaac added some white Christmas lights with the garland to add some light to the fireplace while Marley rummaged through the empty boxes.

"What are you looking for, babe?" Isaac asked, knowing exactly what she was looking for as he hid the stockings for a reason.

"Our matching stockings," she mumbled. "I thought we packed them in one of these boxes last year when we put everything away."

"Oh," Isaac said in a tone like he forgot to mention something to her. "I have a surprise for you." He placed his hands on her shoulders and led her to the fireplace, her back facing the fireplace. "Wait right here."

She eyed him closely, "okayyyy."

Isaac quickly left the living room to the spare bedroom and pulled out their stockings from a drawer. He hid them behind his back and made his way back to the living room, only to find Marley exactly where he had left her. He smiled, "close your eyes."

"What are you up to, Lahey?" She bit her lip, trying to fight back a smile before she closed her eyes.

Isaac walked behind her and hung the newly named stockings. He turned around and covered her eyes before slowly turning her around to face the fireplace. "I have a surprise for you," he whispered in her ear, which sent a shiver down her spine.

"I love your surprises," she smiled.

Isaac chuckled, "I know you do, and I have a feeling you'll love this one."

He took a deep breath before he removed his hands and told her to open her eyes. Her breath hitched when her eyes landed on the "Mr. and Mrs." stockings. "Isaac...." she said nervously, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"Check your stocking."

She looked at him before her hand trembled into the stocking, her fingers instantly felt a small velvet box. A small combination of a chuckle and sob escaped from the back of her throat as she watched her hand slowly pull out a little black box. She turned around to face Isaac, only to see him kneeling on one knee. At this point, Marley couldn't hold back anymore, as tears of joy were free falling down her slightly flushed cheeks.

"Marley..." Isaac cleared his throat, trying to push back the tightness. "Will you continue to make me the happiest man by being my wife?"

Marley chuckled as she nodded. "Yes."

Isaac jumped to his feet and immediately wrapped her in his arms, kissing her endlessly. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, "I love you so much."

"I love you," she whispered back.

Isaac pulled back and grabbed the ring box she still had in her hand.

"Oh Isaac," Marley breathed out as she saw the princess cut diamond ring. "It's beautiful."

"A beautiful ring for a beautiful woman," Isaac slowly slid the silver ring on her wedding finger. He took a second to admire the sight in front of him as he often dreamt of his moment over the past six years.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you if I could rename our stockings," Isaac immediately apologized knowing how much she loved and worked on having their matching stockings. "But I found this lady who could unstitch the names and change them. I hope you don't mind."

Marley shook her head. "Don't worry about it. They're perfect. I love them, and every year when I look at them, I'll be reminded of this exact moment." She placed her hand on his chest while the other hand wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him in for another passionate kiss.

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