7.6: Christmas Special; Part two

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Saturday, December 24th 20xx,

Ever wake up to a crank in your neck? Haha, Chara did.

She sits up, rubbing the left side and back of her neck, groaning in slight pain. It was rather difficult to even turn her head to the left, and barely to her right without it hurting. As much as she knows she could still turn her head all the way and ignore the pain for as long as she wants, that would come with a price the following day. So she passes on that option.

She looks to her right, seeing a still sleeping Asriel laying beside her. She could also realize he was sliding toward her. Chara was not prepared to be a pillow again for this damn goat.

And so she stood. Chara bent her arms towards her back, stretching them. It was then did Asriel fall over onto his side, still sound asleep. Chara questioned this.

With a sigh, the female walked towards the stairs, grabbing onto the railing and walking up. Chara's balance is way off when she awakes, and it's horrible when she's being elevated. If she doesn't hold onto something or someone, she'll fall. Chara let's out a tired yawn once she reaches the top of the stairs, looking over the banister to closed bedroom doors. She walks to the center one.

Knowing this was Frisk's room, Chara knocks gently on it. The door wasn't fully closed as she knocked. It only pushed open slightly. Chara blinks, looking through the cracks of the open door.

There laid Frisk, holding an empty flowerpot and a wrapped gift in her hand. She looked tired; it was as if she hadn't slept at all last night. Chara looked at her through the door, a saddened look on her face as she watched. Her lover turned her head to the wrapped gift in her hand, occasionally turning it around and looking at it. Frisk sighs, placing the gift under her bed.

Frisk goes under the collar of her shirt, pulling out a necklace. Chara's eyes widened a bit as she realized what the necklace was.

Two years ago. In that very room. On that very bed, maybe. Chara had given that necklace to Frisk as an apology for touching her SOUL. She watched as Frisk ran her fingers over the heart shaped necklace, turning it over and looking at the engraved words. She hums softly, slipping it back under her shirt.

Chara sighs softly and knocks on the door again. She sees Frisk jolt in surprise, looking to the door. "Y-yes?" Her eyes open, standing up. "Who is it?"

"Heh. Merry Christmas... eve?" Chara responds with a hint of questioning in her voice. Frisk giggles, walking to the door and opening it. "Greetings." Chara waves with a sleepy smile. "Sleep well?"

"Not quite," Frisk responds. She yawns and covers her mouth, stepping aside. Chara took that as Frisk wanted her to enter, so that's exactly what she did. "I heard noises outside. Kept me up all night." Frisk laughs weakly, walking over to her bed and sitting down. Chara does the same. "Did you sleep well?" She asks.

Chara leaned back on Frisk's bed using her arms as support. "Oh yes."  She waved her right arm. "Decorating the downstairs and hallways with stupid festive wallpapers and decor, waiting for Asriel to bring a stupid tree and staying up until one in the morning just to set it up. I slept great." She huffs, returning her arm back to its position. Chara turns to Frisk who yawns again for a second time. "You should sleep some more, babe," Chara reassures, reaching an arm over and patting her back. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll stick around as you sleep. How about that?"

Frisk closed her eyes and looked to the floor. She let's out a shaky sigh. "Easy for you to say," she says quietly. "It's been a couple months and I'm on edge about the monster attacks." She turns her attention to a slightly worried Chara. "My life is on the line, Cha-"

"I wouldn't let them touch a pretty little hair on your head." Chara states. "You should know this." She pulls Frisk over, letting her lay on her shoulder. "Just rest a bit. Nothin's going on today as to my knowledge. Take a nap."
With a kiss upon her head, Frisk nods. She lets out a sigh, wrapping her arms around Chara and shutting her eyes. Chara looked down to her before asking, "I don't want you to strain your neck, so lets lay down for a bit." Her response was in a laugh, rubbing her neck for an example.

It still hurt damn it.

Frisk nods again and Chara lowered themselves down onto the bed. Chara kept a protective arm around Frisk as she sighs softly, pressing her lips to Frisk's head again, this time making her giggle. She smiles a little in return and pats her arm.

"Just rest awhile, Frisky."

Chara whispers this, rubbing Frisk's arm in a soothing motion. Frisk's breathing matched with Chara's rubs, relaxing her arms. It was only a couple seconds until Frisk fell asleep. Chara smiled again and looked up to the ceiling. she realized her room was updated a little, having wall decors. On her ceiling, there was glow in the dark stars and planets. And on the walls were pink wallpapers with swans floating around in a pond. Over the wallpapers, much to Chara's surprise, were pictures of everyone. They all contained Frisk with all of her friends from when she were young and in the Underground. Her head travelled around to see more recent photos, them being with Asgore and Toriel, Sans, Papyrus; there was even one with her, Chara, and Asriel. 

Chara's response to the pictures were a saddened smile, knowing before the pictures were taken, Chara was still dead, following Frisk around as a spirit. Or they weren't even in their relationship. Chara's belief that everyone disliked her because of her actions all of those years ago, her being at fault for Asriel's death. 

But instead she was proven wrong.

Chara shuts her eyes after a few seconds, inhaling and exhaling.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Chara opened her eyes again, looking to the sleeping Frisk still beside her. Chara returned to her rubs again, soothing the slightly tense female.

Hopefully nothing will be done today. Just let everyone rest up for tomorrow's new activities, even if it is early.

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