chapter 6 - being his slave for a day

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Bomi's POV:
I took a look on my phone that was ringing.It was Krystin calling.

Bomi,want to hang out today?

I want to but i can't.I lose the bet and i need to follow Baekhyun's wishes for today

Oh,okay then.I hope you won't be force by him too much

Well,as long as he don't ask me to do something stupid

I hope it will go as you thought.I will hang out with my boyfriend then.Bye


I said before ending the call.

Bomi,faster,we are going out

Now?Where are we going?

You will find out later anyways


I said as we head out of the room.

- arrived at the destination -

I know i will be like your so-called slave today but why do I have to wear this maid dress?!

Because it's one of my wishes and it looks more suitable for someone being my slave

His response just made me irritated.

Excuse me,Mister Baekhyun,even being a slave for you for a day doesn't mean i need to cosplay

I said as i smiled angrily.

Okay,i will not let you wear that dress.I was just kidding anyways

Kidding?I'm happy that you were.I don't even wish to wear that

Then,at least,wear something decent

I am wearing something decent

At least,wear something nice

This is nice.It's comfortable to be in

Wear this

He said as he threw a dress to me.

Umm,sorry but i don't wear dresses

But,you did.That time

That was for the prom

Whatever,just wear it

You are really getting on to my nerves

You should listen to your master and be polite to your master

I sighed and changed into the dress as he wanted it.

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