Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a young boy by the name of Peter Daleson. His father, Jackson Daleson, and his mother, Camille Daleson, were the kingdom's best baker. People would come from all over just to try his breads and pies. They were amazing and tasted almost magical and no one ever knew why they tasted so magical. Jackson would bake with Peter in the kitchen and teach him everything he knew, and told him the secret of why they tasted so good, he just cooked with 100% of love. Yes it's sounds crazy, even Peter though his father was joking, but that truly was his secret ingredient.
Not just people from far lands would come to eat his food but also the King. The King had special personal orders and one of his servants would pick it up for him everyday, but on every Sunday, after church, he would stop at the bakery to get his order and have wonderful chats with Jackson.
The King was the best King that kingdom ever saw. He cared for his people, even the ones who did not like him, and he cared for and respected other kingdoms. He was loyal to the law and did not go above it all because he was the King. The King was not just known for being so loyal and loving but also having 5 beautiful daughters. The oldest was Amelia, then Kayla, Dina, Josephine, and Elena who was 6. He loved them very much and they were his world to him.
The King, on his visits, would often bring a daughter or two with him, but the daughter that came most of the time was Elena, the youngest. She was the same age as Peter and they would go play when their parents talked. Elena felt free when she was here, no royal duties, and no older sisters. Her and Peter would play knight and criminal, go on adventures in the woods, climb trees, cross rivers everything a young non-royal child would play and Elena loved to played these games since she could not play them at home with her sisters. Peter and Elena would also talk about their day, their family, and how they felt. These two were each other's first best friends and nothing of break them apart. Nothing besides the death of her mother, the Queen, when Elena was 15.
The Kingdom wept for weeks as did the family. The King and his beautiful daughters were all devastated and the King stopped his visits to the Daleson Bakery since it reminded him of her because she would always ask for a custom made homemade apple pie every week. The servant picked up his breads and pies and the King, and Elena stopped coming.
Peter was devastated and so was Elena. They were each other's best friends and could not lived without each other but eventually both grew up and learned how to deal with their grief. Peter continued his fathers career as a baker while Elena continued her life as a princess. Even though they stopped seeing each other, they never forgot each other.

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