You turned me into fucking Elsa?

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"Who are you?" The girl snapped, slowly standing up and glaring at the three. After a moment of silence, she took a small step forward and growled, "Where am I?!"

Suddenly, unable to hold it in, Barry let out a strangled cackle.

"Don't laugh!" Caitlyn hissed, glaring at him, but obviously fighting back a smile.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?!" The girl snarled, a small cloud of snow flurrying around my head.

"It's just... We didn't think you were that short." Barry grinned at the fuming 5'0 metahuman.

"You sure would have a lot of experience with short things wouldn't you?" She snapped crossing her arms, a dimpled smirk playing across her face.

Before she could soak in the glory of her insult, Barry flashed all three of them into the lab and setting the girl into a hospital bed.

"What the actual fuck?" She gawked, flurries of snow swirling around her head.

"Do you think the Accelerator did this?" Caitlyn questioned Cisco while poking and prodding the girl with her testing tools.

"For sure, but why did Wells hide her for a year?"

"Wait, what?"

"Same reason he didn't destroy Snart."

"Who's Snart?"

"She was a weapon against me?"

"I'm not a fucking bomb."

"I'd guess she was more of a backup plan."

"Hey!" She screamed, "Could we maybe start filling me in on what happened and stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Her electric blue eyes were sparkling with rage.

The three stop running around and looked at each other, silently deciding to try and let Caitlyn explain to her what happened.


"So, I'm a metahuman too?" She questioned, picking at her nail beds.

"Well, since you don't seem to be affected by the cold and snow appears when your mood swings, I believe so." Caitlyn smiled softly. "Could you tell us about yourself?"

"Well, my name's Isabella Kenneth." She frowned, sliding off the bed and walking over to the mirror. "Holy shit." Her jaw dropped.

"What is it?" Caitlyn tilted her head to the side, joining her at the mirror.

"My hair used to be brown... So were my eyes." She prodded at her cheeks and lifted up her limp french braid.

"We're thinking that could be a side effect of your ability to control the cold," Cisco explained, walking over to her.

"What do you mean; 'control the cold'?" Isabella questioned, furrowing her dark eyebrows together.

"We mean," Barry butt in, looking down at her, "You have powers. You can control the snow, ice, and who knows what else."

Slowly, Isabella's eyes zeroed in on Barry with a fiery rage burning behind the blue.

"You turned me into fucking Elsa?!" She screeched, flurries of snow swirling around her head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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