"Why exactly should I come?" Elli asked with a spark in her eye. "Expect me to do something at the mic?"

"It's just a fun experience," Lexi picked up her coffee to take a sip, keeping her eyes on Elli the whole time. "Plus you'll get to spend some time with me without having to worry about some duet scene."

"Oh, yes, because it's just my absolute dream to be in the same space as you without needing to be." Elli's words dripped with sarcasm as she picked up her tea.

Lexi frowned slightly, but quickly replaced it with a grin before Ellie could notice. "Alyssa and Mitch will be here too. They often sit back here to watch the performers since no one really gets anything while there's something happening. You can chill with them while I'm behind the counter. Wont even have to encounter me if you don't want to."

That last sentence made Elli a little confused. The considerate nature didn't quite fit Elli's look on Lexi's character, as far as she knew. She just put her pack strap over her shoulder then gripped her tea in both of her hands before saying curtly, "I'll think about it."


The fun didn't start until about 6:30. At 5:30, Lexi had to help Alyssa move tables around at the back corner for the performance space. They rolled in a square platform from the back and put one of their stools on top to give the performer a bit of a boost. Alyssa stood on a chair to angle a few of their lights on the space as Lexi brought out the karaoke machine. After everything was set up, they high-fived each other before going back behind the counter to get out orders before the performers showed up. Alyssa worked as the moderator for the event, ready to introduce anyone going up to perform. At 6:30, their usual first act showed up. He was an older man named John Johnson. Everyone called him John-John and cheered every time he and his old six-string acoustic guitar got up on the makeshift stage. Every Tuesday he sang a soft rock song and did a really good job of it too. That Tuesday, he sang Every Rose Has It's Thorn by Poison and everyone loved it. Lexi sang along softly as she worked behind the counter at the drive through.

Lexi couldn't exactly help it, but her eyes always snapped to the door as she heard the little bell and her heart dropped as she saw that it wasn't Elli. She hated how much that affected her, but it just kept happening. Another ring: Not her. 7 pm rolled around. Another ring: Not her. 8 pm. Another ring: Not her. Lexi looked down at her watch to see that it was 8:32. 28 minutes left in the night and Elli was no where to be seen.

With a sigh, Lexi turned to make herself a cup of coffee since she was feeling the drag of her last coffee leaving her. Right as the coffee brewed, she heard the ring of the bell. She didn't allow herself to look that way, knowing that it wasn't going to be who she wanted to see. Another performer finished up just as Lexi put the lid on her mocha. She didn't notice someone was waiting at the counter until they cleared their throat and said, "Hey Lex."

The voice made Lexi freeze mid-sip. Slowly, she turned around to see the girl that she knew belonged to that voice. Jessica Tate. The Jessica Tate that graduated last year. The Jessica Tate that worked with Lexi over the summer. The Jessica Tate that kissed Lexi and said that she wanted to date her before she had to leave for college that was out of state. Lexi hadn't seen her or heard from her since August.

"Jessica?" Lexi said with a mouth full of coffee still. She quickly put a hand under her chin to make sure that nothing spilled before closing her mouth and putting her coffee down. She swallowed her coffee before saying anything else. "Jess. H-Hi. Um, Hi."

Jessica only smiled. That was almost enough to just make Lexi swoon right on the spot. Lexi missed that bright, white smile. She let her eyes study the girl in front of her. It wasn't a surprise that Jessica hardly changed since the months they've seen each other. She also wasn't surprised by how good she looked in winter wear, as always. She still had wavy blonde hair, but it was cut right at her shoulders instead of down to her mid-back like it was during the summer. Lexi noticed that it made her look more grown-up. Her grey eyes still held the same adventure and coyness that made Lexi smile.

The Show Must Go On (Lesbian Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα