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Phoebes POV,

His family are nice; I guess that's what kids have when they have someone who loves them. I wish I did, I wish someone loved me. My father never did, I was the one who took away probably the only person who loved him. Maybe I understand his hatred for me, maybe I deserve to be hated.

I've met James now too, he stayed in Nats room, and let's just say, I got hardly no sleep that night. The spare room is right next to the Nats and neither of them know how to be quiet. And that's exactly the reason why I'm here.

It's 2:45am and Brads sister is at it with her boyfriend. I hold the pillow over my ears but it's not helping. How awkward is this? A few more minutes and I decide I have enough.

I need to get some air.

I get up and quietly open the door, shutting even more quietly to not make any noise at all. I didn't want to spoil anyone's fun, just because my life is shit. Either way, I already started to feel better by being out of the spare room. As I walk past the corridor I walk past Brads bedroom door.

I bite my lip, thinking about seeing if he's awake. Maybe just a peek into his room? Is that weird? I mean, he's probably asleep, he won't notice I've gone in will he? All these questions are running through my head, and all I want is to open that door and see him. He was out all day yesterday, and most of today. When I asked him where he was he seemed annoyed, so I decided not to question him anymore. The memory of his mum talking about a gang keeps replaying, is Brad in trouble himself? Can I save him in any way? I surely want to help, after all, he's done so much for me.

Shit. My hand was some how on his door handle and I opened his door while in deep thought. A golden retriever lift up her head from the bed, of course he had Jessie sleep with him, who else. I froze however, not knowing if she was going to bark. His room was dark, but I noticed her tail wiggling as she was looking at me. Apparently she's the only girl in Brads life, which I find hard to believe. He could surely have someone by now, he deserves someone perfect. Definitely not me.

This makes me realise that I'm just staring at Brad in the dark, just about makingnor his features. His lips were parted slightly, a light snore coming from them. His gorgeous locks hanging around his face, and his eyes shut. He was by far the most attractive boy I've ever seen. I feel sadness come over me, I'm falling for a boy named Brad who wouldn't want anything to do with me. At times I feel like we both feel something is there, but he's not making moves really...

"Jessie stop it..." Brad mumbles, waking up slightly due to Jessie waggling her tail which was tickling Brads leg. It's like I forgot how to move any part of my body because I did not move. "Eugh," Brad leans up to look at Jessie but instead his twinkling eyes meet with mine. Thank god that there's a lamp outside his window, or else I wouldn't be able to make out a thing his room is so dark, the black courtain not helping.

"Phoebe?" He looks puzzled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry Brad, go to sleep," I whisper and go to shut his door.

"Phoebe wait," he mumbles, causing me to open the door slightly again. I look at him to see he moved up in bed so there's enough space for me and pats the bed. I shake my head.

"That's not a good idea Brad, your mum-" I'm cut off by him.

"My mum isn't gonna know," he chuckles. "You're too worried," he then slightly frowns. "Now come on," he encourages me, patting the space once more. Not knowing if this is right or wrong, I go into his room and shut the door carefully and quietly. The way to his bed seems longer than usual, I'm not good with this.

"I don't bite," he playfully rolls his eyes and I lay down on the bed, allowing him to chuck the covers over me. "Now why aren't you sleeping?" He questions me. 'You're sister and James are too loud' erm I think not.

"Just can't sleep," I shrug.

"What's bothering you?" He asks me, moving a piece of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear, looking at me with a worried face.

"I'm fine Brad," I show him a small smile. There was a lot on my mind, but none should be bothering him.

"Okaii," he says and lays down properly. I loved that about Brad, if he sensed I didn't want to talk about it he'd drop it. I lay there in silence staring up at his ceiling. It's not long before his arm snakes around my waist and Brad cuddles into me.

"You drive me crazy," are the last words he says before I fall asleep.

Erm hi?
Are you guys okaii? Merry Christmas! I'm sorry updates are so bad! I love you! Lemme know what you thought about the chapter!!!

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