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Phoebes POV,

I don't remember the last time that I slept so well. I didn't wake up half way through or not sleep because I was scared of what could happen. I slept like I was a new born puppy in the comfort of its mothers warm body. Okaii, that sounded weird...

It takes me a while to realise I'm not home, that actually I'm cuddles up to somebody else's body and that someone is playing with my hair. I slowly open my eyes to be met with his chest, which is slightly toned. I didn't know if he knew I was awake, so I decided to stay quiet while he was humming to himself.

I do understand why all his following fan girls listen and support him, his voice is heaven, and his personality makes the songs have a greater depth to them. It made sense after all. I move up a little to look up at him, and his humming stops as his attention goes to me.

"Did I wake you?" His morning voice sounds as making as his humming, and as the last time that he let me stay his place. I shake my head and he smiles; continuing to play with my hair. It was a calming gesture, and I really didn't want him to stop. "What happened Phoebe?" He asks me, and I rest my head back on his chest, hoping to avoid this topic. "Phoebe I want to help you," his voice is soft, and it makes me want to open up to him, though I can't. It could put my dad in trouble, and as much as he is an asshole, I don't want that. I'd have no one.

"I know you do..." I whisper, knowing that my morning voice sounds like screeching unlike his heavenly one.

"Then let me," he pleads.

"No Brad," I raise my voice slightly, looking up at him and seeing him slightly shocked st my sudden loud outburst. "I can't," I whisper once more. I didn't want to be loud, or offend him, or wake his family up. It wouldn't be fair.

"Why not Phoebe? You turned up at my window wearing practically nothing, crying and cold." He's still playing with my hair. I'm surprised his fingers aren't getting caught on knots in it.

"I know, I'm sorry... It won't happen again," I instantly apologise, feeling scared unlike when I woke up. My apology is so sudden that he shakes his head.

"That's not what I meant..." He sighs.

"But it's true, I can't do this to you, it was rude and I'm sorry," I tell him, as he stops playing with my hair. I miss that gesture already.

"No Phoebe, I'd rather you come to me then freeze somewhere out there." He says then sighs and starts to play with my hair. "I just wish you'd open up to me, I'm not one to hurt you," what if he does though? They always say that, they always lie.

"You say that, but everyone hurts me," I whisper, more to myself than to him.

"For god sake Phoebe! Do you think that if I wanted to hurt you I'd do this? Don't you think that if I wanted to hurt you I would sleep with you when you're vulnerable then drop you the next day? Phoebe you're so oblivious to how much I actually care, how much I actually want you to be okaii and to help!" His voice raises slightly, and as he sees me slightly scared his gaze snaps to the door.

"Brad who are you talkin-" I look to the door to see an older woman standing there. She looks shocked, I don't think Brad is one of those guys who always has a girl around. Not that I thought he was...

It's awkward and I wish the world would swallow me up. Me in his clothes, him shirtless and us together in his bed is not a great first impression. It was stupid for me to come here in the first place I guess. After a few more moments she speaks up once more.

"Was just gonna come tell you that your auntie is visiting tomorrow with your cousin, so not to plan a gig," she smiles at me and I slightly smile back.

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